Mahonri's 2nd Annual BYC EASTER HATCH. Post pics of your chicks!


I need more encouragement!

Honestly I want to join this time too, but have been so busy the past 5 weeks I barely have time to sneeze. I get about 15 minutes online every couple of days (DD is tired of me telling her to check my facebook
But someone has to do it!)

I won't know if I will be able to join in or not until the first/middle of March.

Besides, I have about 5 dozen eggs in now

I do not want to set any of mine....I want to try something new I think. Will have to check with DH as to what is on my wish list.....I volunteered eggs to someone from last hatch so am going to send some lavender & black split silkies out to Washington (I think) probably the end of Feb or first of March, unless that crazy hen does like all my others and stops laying!

Will let you know if I will be joining in later on!
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Oooh Tricia!! BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thank you! I just love them. I only have a breeding pair, but I have five chicks I am growing out. They are the sweetest birds. They are quickly becoming my favorite breed.
Oooh Tricia!! BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thank you! I just love them. I only have a breeding pair, but I have five chicks I am growing out. They are the sweetest birds. They are quickly becoming my favorite breed.

Now you just need to join the ABC!!
Just catching up on this tread but I have a sneaking suspicion that isn't a current pic Mahonri.

?? Ya think ????

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