Mahonri's 2nd Annual BYC EASTER HATCH. Post pics of your chicks!

My very first incubator experience is only on day 3, so I will very timidly say, I'll play too! and I suppose what I decide to try to hatch will depend on how well this hatch turns out.
Fennario is beautiful! You have 20 cats??

Sorry, that's outdated - we have 23 now
Not by choice - we inherited a wild population when we bought our property. I've been workiing on getting them tamed and "fixed". There is only 3 in the house at least

Good for you!

I want to trap and neuter the local population (we moved into a farm house complete with local feral cats) but DH says I should leave them alone.

Like I want a zillion NEW cats hanging around next kitten season.

Your kitties are beautiful and you must be very dedicated to bottle raise your little one.
Well , I've experienced getting shipped eggs for the first time . It was not great LOL . When they handed me a plastic bag with egg goo visible on its sides , I started to suspect I might not be super happy to see what was in the box .




I washed the goo off the five eggs that made it , saw three have air cells detached , and will set them later day along with some of my own that have one , out of every twenty , that looked fertile . I suspect this will not be a great hatch , but ya never know unless you try .
Wow. That's awful. The worst I've had so far with shipped eggs was some that arrived scrambled with detached air cells, but knock wood they've always been bubbled wrapped and arrived unbroken.

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