Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

For those of you not fortunate enough to have gestating equines at your home, mares are notorious for being very secretive about foaling - a good adaptation for a wild horse, as they are completely helpless for a period of time during foaling, and don't want to give the predators a hint. It is, however, extremely frustrating for mare owners, as you have a very short amount of time to intervene if there is a problem with delivery. Mares can "hold it" until they are completely alone. Owners develop a look about them that "mare stare" describes completely.
That is it EXACTLY!!!
Just wanted to share this pic of my broody hen Cinderella and her first chick she has ever hatched!!! I am sooooo excited for her!!! I saw 2 heads but couldn't get a pictur quick enough, she had 4 eggs she was sittin on so could be more,

Not all the sugar has to be melted. I was re-reading and it occurred to me that this part needed a bit of clarifying. The amount of water can be reduced as well, to as little as 1/3 cup, to adjust the thickness of the syrup.

Another thing that this syrup is good for: egg white frosting. You beat your egg whites till they get to the soft peak stage then start drizzling this hot syrup into the egg whites with the beater still running. Makes a nice hint of caramel in the frosting.


Will definitely try the golden syrup method!!! I still try to push my boys to reduce the amount of sugar they put on the oatmeal and pancakes--it's a project in process!! LOL
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