Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

So I promised to update. My New Years hatch is complete. Terrible results from the LG. Am going to stick to my hovabator until I can afford a better one. Only hatched 3 out of 12 Empordanesa. The peeping chick I heard last night did not make it. I'm thinking I should have helped him out. Checked this morning and he was developed but dead. The rest of the eggs were quitters or never even started. I opened them up just to be sure. But the 3 chicks I do have are thriving, so thats the good part!
I put my little chick that couldnt walk right in a sock and set her up right in the bator for a few hours.... .Just took her out of the sock and now she's walkin normal!! So two barred rocks first hatch!! On to the next eggs!
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After lockdown, every single egg in the Advance hatched, but I did have to help two and they are alive and kicking.

Lost 6 eggs in the Hovabator. my 2 GC Marans, 1 EE and 3 FBCMs.

i'm keeping both now that I know all the secrets

never in a million years would I have expected to get 41 chicks from that hatch before it started my goal was at least 20, figured I'd be very happy with 30 and its really what I wanted.

They are beautiful, I've given away three.... a pure blue wheaten chick, a FBCMarnand and designer GC Marans X Delaware ... it's gonna look just like the GC Marans and could easily pass as one!

I just hatched my first batch from my New Brinsea. I had hatching but not results like yours.... - wondering what i could do better....

Just curious - What humidity did you run your Brinsea at?
I've already started on that :lol:

Me too, I actually set them 12/29 due to hatch 1/19
I just put silkies in last night to hatch and have buckeyes, GC Marans and BC Marans ready to go in on the 9th. Then I am going to stop. Hahahahahah thats what all addicts say right?

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