
My fun for the day. Got up at 330 to get to work by 5. At that time is was 40 degrees out and snowing. Got to work where it was still 40 with a light drizzle. Left work at 715, no planes to de-ice, and the temperature had dropped to 34 with a brisk breeze. Got home around 8 and let the dogs out on the back deck. Two of the dogs stayed inside. I opened the front door so I could go out and feed the birds. My foster dog decided he wanted to go out with me. I grabbed his collar and went to get him back inside. At that moment the Pyr decided she absolutely had to make a break for it. So at full speed she bolted through the door to freedom. In the process her head collided with mine. So there I was with the beginnings of a shiner on my left eye and a contact lens that was no longer where it should have been on the eye. And I had to go catch the Pyr. I did manage to hold on to Homer and get him back in the house. The Pyr ended up in the neighbors yard and stopped long enough for me to get her and walk her back home, take my contact out and finally feed the birds. Hopefully the rest of the day will be uneventful.
I love the turkey photos! Next year I hope to raise some turkeys. Not sure which type though. Anyone have a favorite turkey breed? I want something with a decent attitude (not attacking me) and tasty!

My chickens are all doing well, thank goodness. Still haven't gotten any eggs yet. I am at the point where I am about to give up on my dreams of eating fresh eggs again...

I watched the funniest documentary last night on Chickens! It's called The Natural History of the Chicken, I found it on amazon prime. If you can find this documentary it is definitely worth watching. It actually has a story in it about a lady from Harpswell who saved her chicken with cpr!
I love the turkey photos! Next year I hope to raise some turkeys. Not sure which type though. Anyone have a favorite turkey breed? I want something with a decent attitude (not attacking me) and tasty!

My chickens are all doing well, thank goodness. Still haven't gotten any eggs yet. I am at the point where I am about to give up on my dreams of eating fresh eggs again...

I watched the funniest documentary last night on Chickens! It's called The Natural History of the Chicken, I found it on amazon prime. If you can find this documentary it is definitely worth watching. It actually has a story in it about a lady from Harpswell who saved her chicken with cpr!

The only issue I have had with attitude is with the Midget White tom I have here. When he first arrived, as a mature adult, he did test me daily. Never really attacked but threatened to do so. Now about once a week he thinks about it but I call his bluff and put him back in his place.

I have yet to read that any particular breed is friendlier than another so I would say pick one you like the looks of and go with that one. Around here the easiest heritage breeds to get seem to be the Royal Palms and the Bourbon Reds. The faster growing Broad-Breasted Whites are the ones the feed stores usually get in. If you are looking just to raise for the summer and eat for the holidays then I would go with the faster growing breed. If you think you might want to keep some around and try raising young the following year go with the heritage breeds.
My fun for the day. Got up at 330 to get to work by 5. At that time is was 40 degrees out and snowing. Got to work where it was still 40 with a light drizzle. Left work at 715, no planes to de-ice, and the temperature had dropped to 34 with a brisk breeze. Got home around 8 and let the dogs out on the back deck. Two of the dogs stayed inside. I opened the front door so I could go out and feed the birds. My foster dog decided he wanted to go out with me. I grabbed his collar and went to get him back inside. At that moment the Pyr decided she absolutely had to make a break for it. So at full speed she bolted through the door to freedom. In the process her head collided with mine. So there I was with the beginnings of a shiner on my left eye and a contact lens that was no longer where it should have been on the eye. And I had to go catch the Pyr. I did manage to hold on to Homer and get him back in the house. The Pyr ended up in the neighbors yard and stopped long enough for me to get her and walk her back home, take my contact out and finally feed the birds. Hopefully the rest of the day will be uneventful.

Rough start to the day, Widget! Hope the rest of it goes smoothly! That is the worst when the dog's head collides with yours. I was putting my dog's collar on once and she flung her head up. Hit me on the bridge of my nose and I had a big bruise there for days. I was walking around with a bag of peas on my face when our neighbor came over. We had just moved in... what a first impression. Haha
Thanks Widget. I was thinking of ordering some from McMurray. I definitely want a breeding pair so I will go with a Heritage breed for sure.

My husband and I bought about $1000 worth of fancy foam insulation for our current construction project. We have it stacked out back. And guess what? The stupid chickens were pecking at it! We did know better, but were lazy. I just put fencing around it. I hope they don't try to fly in and get it! I wish I had a tarp on hand!!!! Why, do chickens love foam?!
I just accidentally dropped an egg on the counter. I was able to salvage the yolk, etc. It was a fairly fresh egg from this week or perhaps the weekend. My concern is this: it still had the bloom on it(I don't rinse them off until right before use) so is it edible or would it be safer to toss? I don't want to waste it if i can. Should i bake something, fry it up as a snack...I hope this isn't a dumb question but it has never happened to me before!
Thanks Widget. I was thinking of ordering some from McMurray. I definitely want a breeding pair so I will go with a Heritage breed for sure.

My husband and I bought about $1000 worth of fancy foam insulation for our current construction project. We have it stacked out back. And guess what? The stupid chickens were pecking at it! We did know better, but were lazy. I just put fencing around it. I hope they don't try to fly in and get it! I wish I had a tarp on hand!!!! Why, do chickens love foam?!

You are welcome. With the exception of the Midget Whites my turkeys came from Cackle Hatchery. I did get mine via the local feed store but that is where they got them from. Cackle seems to be the best hatchery if you want only a few turkeys. They allow a mix and match with chicks to make a minimum order. Many other hatcheries do not allow this so you either end up with more poults than you want or combining orders with other people.
I just accidentally dropped an egg on the counter. I was able to salvage the yolk, etc. It was a fairly fresh egg from this week or perhaps the weekend. My concern is this: it still had the bloom on it(I don't rinse them off until right before use) so is it edible or would it be safer to toss? I don't want to waste it if i can. Should i bake something, fry it up as a snack...I hope this isn't a dumb question but it has never happened to me before!

Depends on how clean your counter was. Personally, I'd throw it away.

I love the turkey photos! Next year I hope to raise some turkeys. Not sure which type though. Anyone have a favorite turkey breed? I want something with a decent attitude (not attacking me) and tasty!

I would suggest raising them from baby poults, then they'll be friendly towards you. I would stay away from the freaky large ones and go with a "heritage" breed of whatever type you like. BYC does an annual Cinco de Mayo turkey hatchalong - you could get eggs from someone and join us. There's quite a few people with turkey eggs of heritage breeds selling on BYC in that thread once it gets going.
[COLOR=333333]I just accidentally dropped an egg on the counter. I was able to salvage the yolk, etc. It was a fairly fresh egg from this week or perhaps the weekend. My concern is this: it still had the bloom on it(I don't rinse them off until right before use) so is it edible or would it be safer to toss? I don't want to waste it if i can. Should i bake something, fry it up as a snack...I hope this isn't a dumb question but it has never happened to me before![/COLOR]

I wouldn't worry about eating it, especially if you're going to cook it. If it makes you nervous, at least feed it to the chickens. They'll love it!
I love the turkey photos! Next year I hope to raise some turkeys. Not sure which type though. Anyone have a favorite turkey breed? I want something with a decent attitude (not attacking me) and tasty!

My chickens are all doing well, thank goodness. Still haven't gotten any eggs yet. I am at the point where I am about to give up on my dreams of eating fresh eggs again...

I watched the funniest documentary last night on Chickens! It's called The Natural History of the Chicken, I found it on amazon prime. If you can find this documentary it is definitely worth watching. It actually has a story in it about a lady from Harpswell who saved her chicken with cpr!
Thanks for the suggestion. We just watched it and it was great! But we were scared for the little white Silkie, in the end.

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