
Well my eye is a bit sore today with a slight bruise and a bit of swelling but nothing too bad. So far the dogs have been well behaved today so that is a plus.

The birds are out free ranging but most of them have picked a sunny spot to rest in to soak up whatever rays they can get. Except for one duck who is napping in a shady spot behind a post. Go figure.

Good day to test out the water tank insulation experiment. The uninsulated tank had a thick layer of ice still on it when I got home at 1030. The horses had broken through it so they had access to the water. The insulated tank did have ice but about half as thick as the uninsulated. Not great but I think I can improve by picking up a sheet of the foam board insulated and cover the top of the tank at night along with the container cover plus lining the front of the container with more foam board. Those are the two spots that were uninsulated last night. Of course adding water to the tank in the winter will still be a pain since I will still have to deal with about 75 ft of garden hose that will have to come in at night to keep it from freezing solid.
Wow! Nice egg basket! So someday I will find a better container for egg collection. Right now, we use pockets and egg cartons, which sometimes results in accidents.

I second this! I want one! We have had a few "accidents" in egg collecting- Husband has smashed eggs in his pocket, and I ran 2 miles with one in mine, but thankfully, managed not to break it!
If I find out who gave it to me & where they got it, I'll let you know. I've been using pockets, strawberry cartons and McDonald's Happy Meal Baskets. I've had a few accidents with the pocket method too. I took an egg out to dinner one night. All my friends at the table said, "You're really taking this chicken thing a little too far, dontcha' think?"

DH almost cringes when I ask for a to go box at restaurants for the remains of a meal and anything else at the table that no one ate. He says, You're taking that home for the chickens, aren't you? He's getting used to it. Ooo speaking of that...if you are in Linneus, in the County, at Grammie's Country Inn on a Friday night, they will fill a 5 gallon bucket with food for your birds--BYOBucket. I don't know if this is just prep waste or what.

The last few mornings, I've raked down the coals in the wood stove, and taken advantage of the lower heat, thrown in 4 or 5 potatoes wrapped in foil. They bake very nicely in 25 - 30 minutes. That makes supper very easy to prepare, knowing that I have baked potatoes ready at a moments notice. I also think they are extra tasty cooked that way.

I wonder if I could do this with the pellet stove. I bet I could...
I don't have an expensive egg basket but I don't use pockets either. I had one accident the one time I did use a pocket and won't ever do that again. I just use a willow or other natural basket for it. I think the kids are cute walking in and out with it too.

Even though the chicken 'green house' isn't finished being plasticed-- I wimped out, the little birds are clearly appreciating the protection. We are in a placement that has constant winds all winter and spring, some quite fierce. We have had doors blown open that were latched and even had one aluminum storm that was torn part way off in seconds. The chickens had 'gone to ground' in the left over asparagus stands yesterday. It was a big puddle of black and copper in an otherwise brown and yellow landscape.

My neighbor still wants a couple laying birds. He isn't pestering me but I want to keep asking for him since he is a nice man who enjoys his couple chickens.
I just finished setting up a compost "corral" in the chicken yard. A slight design flaw (Dorothy way playing queen of the mountain when I realized I gave them a great escape route) has been fixed with a canopy of bird netting. They are loving it.

On a happy note, five of my birds are completely recovered, two will be rejoining the flock tomorrow and one seems to be finally making progress. Thank you all for your support.
You folks talking of high winds, reminds me of last weekend when I went into the green house for a moment, and the wood turn buckle that closes the door rotated down... locking me in. Luckily, the combination window was open enough at the bottom so I could get a couple of fingers through to pull back the springs and raise the window. I wonder how long I would have been locked in there b/fore hubby missed me???

I let the girls out in their run today. They spent their time in the green house, didn't venture out until I came out to work on the coop, then they beat feet into the coop. I heard a hawk screeching in the background. I'm so not looking forward to this winter. I took out some plywood to make more ventilation at the top of the coop, and moved the perches closer to the middle so their combs aren't as close to the fiberglass. My RIR has had a bloody comb the last 2 mornings. I hope no permanent damage has been done.

Glad your birds are recovering, ME Mama.
I just finished setting up a compost "corral" in the chicken yard. A slight design flaw (Dorothy way playing queen of the mountain when I realized I gave them a great escape route) has been fixed with a canopy of bird netting. They are loving it.

On a happy note, five of my birds are completely recovered, two will be rejoining the flock tomorrow and one seems to be finally making progress. Thank you all for your support.
great news!!!!

Today's haul in my new egg basket! One of my dearest friends got it for me.
She said she found it at Marden's in Waterville and instantly thought of me. Thank god for good friends!!
Today's haul in my new egg basket! One of my dearest friends got it for me. :love She said she found it at Marden's in Waterville and instantly thought of me. Thank god for good friends!!
Hmm.....maybe I need to go poke around at Marden's. The basket looks like a good size. I am working 2, 12-hour days, so I have left care of the chickens to DH. He was telling stories about the Ameraucanas knocking down the fence and free-ranging with the older flock. Both roosters were out there, but I guess they kept away from each other. I hope everyone came home. DH does not count them, and he's not sure how many are in each flock even if he did. I think I will peek in there this morning. How is "Maran"?

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