
I would have bought it, if I saw it, at mardens lol.

Okay, now that I have gotten that out of my system, I have a serious question.

As many of you know, I have been dealing with some super sick birds. My pox girls stayed outdoors receiving treatment for their illness and my respiratory infection girls were housed indoor receiving treatment. This divided the flock in half. One of the indoor girls was doing great and getting stir crazy, so I let her back out in the afternoon. She spent her day playing in the compost heap with no problems. Later in the day, I put two of the others outside. Everything seemed fine and it left me with only one inside who was still on an eating strike. Anyways, I go out to let the girls out this morning and it looks like a massacre took place. Blood was sprayed all over the walls. It was bad. I start to take inventory to see who was injured and figure out what happened and I see my ameruacana (a pox girl) trying to tear the comb off my white rock (a later in the day respiratory girl). I quickly break it up and bring the white rock in. Her comb looks terrible. Obviously I can't bring her back out for awhile.

So my question is, how am I going to reunite these birds? Apparently in 3 days apart they have created a new flock where the ameruacana is leader and the white rock is not. Should I take the ameruacana out for a bit so she's the new girl?
Can you put the Ameraucana in a wire kennel in the coop so she can't attack any of the returnees? Such chicken drama. Why can't they just get along and play well with others... basic kindergarten stuff that seems to be forgotten when they get to Jr. high age. (ie. the social maturity level of all chickens!)
Can you put the Ameraucana in a wire kennel in the coop so she can't attack any of the returnees?  Such chicken drama.  Why can't they just get along and play well with others... basic kindergarten stuff that seems to be forgotten when they get to Jr. high age.  (ie. the social maturity level of all chickens!)
that's the train of thought I was heading on. I just don't know which is better, keep her with the flock, but kept so she can't hurt them or removed and then returned later so she's the "new girl".
Either way would probably work, I'm thinking that being in jail will reduce her standing in the flock. If that doesn't work, you could always remove her. I'm just trying to think of the easiest way to get the job done.
Once the white rock heals up, I would put either the Ameraucana or the white rock in a wire cage for a few days, so they can see each other and work out their differences through the wire. It is a pain that they fight so easily. I have birds that I'd kind of like to move into a different flock so I can try crossing them with a different rooster, but I never do it because the whole drama seems like such a hassle.
No, I wouldn't bother watching that part Dowgirl. You saw the best parts!
Thanks for telling me, but unfortunately, I did end up watching it before I read your post. It was pretty awful! I felt bad for the chicken and then, how it choked to death. The lady with the Silkie was quite a "rig," though-definitely odd! Got a kick out of the red diaper on her bird!

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