
I am so mad at myself. Last night I made sure all the food and water was topped off, so I could take my time in the morning. When I went out at noon, I found the door to the back section of my coop had been pushed shut. It is a lightweight louvre-type door, and while this has never happened before, I think if a chicken slammed into it while coming down off the roost, it could be closed by a chicken.

There were 6 chickens trapped back there without food or water all morning. I'm sure 5 of them will be fine, but one was my cross-beak. She's needs to work to eat and she's molting right now, to make matters worse. I brought her a scrambled egg, but now she is shaking her leg around like she stepped on something sharp. I know it is just a chicken, but she is one of our older/original birds and we have a soft spot for her. Hopefully, she will be fine.
Sorry to hear about your girls being locked out, Bucka. Hope your cross-beak is doing okay! I did something similar Saturday. Opened the run door to the playground (fenced in but no top) since it was sunny. Went in town to finish up Christmas shopping & groceries--gone for 4 hours. Came home to 4 girls who had flown the coop so so speak--cold, no food, no water. Of course they are not smart enough to fly back over the 4 ft. fence.

I bought some bird netting to cover the playground but with the cold & impending storm did not put it up.

sorry, I'm a married farm girl. Unfortunately I didn't use the "must love chickens" criteria when dating, so my husband is not an active part in our farming experience. BUT I did find a way to get him involved. I brought home a butt ugly aluminum ice house and announced it was my new coop. Now he can't wait until spring so he can rip off the aluminum and put on some barn plank siding. While he's at it, he might as well install some new Windows and sliding vents, right? Just wait till he sees what I'm bringing home for some future goats. Wait, did I tell him we're getting goats???
"Must love chickens" was not even in my vocabulary when DH & I started dating.Had you told me back then that I would grow to love chickens, I would have told you that you were NUTS!

Buckaroo and Banzai. Both RIR. Bucky was the roo and Banzai was the hen. The roo hated men and women who had gone through menopause. And by hate I mean he would attack to kill. The hen hated pretty much everyone. So when the male keepers had to clean out the chicken pen a female keeper had to go in and grab Bucky first. Everyone took a chance in grabbing the hen and I was attacked by her more than once. For some reason we never took either bird anywhere to show off, They just hung out behind the scenes and were able to go outside in the summer in an outdoor pen.
I recently acquired 5 RIRs--friend's son decided he didn't want his flock of 20 anymore (teen, just got his license, ect.). Not sure I'm very partial to them at all. Bullies every one of them! I had a nice friendly flock before them. Everyone got along pretty well. They are good layers but.....
Can she teach mine to do that?!
I may have to go out some day, wait for them to fly out and just plop them back over the fence to see if they get it!
Ah yes. Well years ago I was working as a zoo keeper at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I was at the Childrens Zoo section where we had animals ranging from rabbits to deer to snakes and birds of prey. Many of the animals were used for education and were able to go offsite to schools and nursing homes. In the same area as the birds of prey were two chickens. Buckaroo and Banzai. Both RIR. Bucky was the roo and Banzai was the hen. The roo hated men and women who had gone through menopause. And by hate I mean he would attack to kill. The hen hated pretty much everyone. So when the male keepers had to clean out the chicken pen a female keeper had to go in and grab Bucky first. Everyone took a chance in grabbing the hen and I was attacked by her more than once. For some reason we never took either bird anywhere to show off, They just hung out behind the scenes and were able to go outside in the summer in an outdoor pen.
Hey Mainers I just put a green Eglu Go and a Snaplock on Craigslist. Both only 6 months old - have to relocate and can't bring them. Selling for $400 EACH w / $25 discount for BYC members. Neither is buried in snow :) I love both coops. Used the SnapLock on my 3 season porch w dog crate run for my banties. Used eglu in the yard & my banties laughed at the hawks. I can throw in a homemade wooden A-frame tractor for free w the Snaplock. See craigslist or contact me here.
I'd hate someone to think all RIR are mean. They are not, though I don't think much of the hatchery ones. I also have met a huge NH Red who is so [irritatingly] friendly. He happens to be my neighbors and he drives me bonkers in the summer.

My geese are fools but the did point out a problem I don't know quite how I am going to fix. The three Poms flew over the fence and down the yard a bit to greet me today. I was not happy with this new problem but amused and surprised just the same. I need them to remain in the fencing come breeding seasons. So, its clearly not high enough. I hope that removing some snow will help but I doubt it given what I saw this morning. I would need 6' fencing. That does not amuse me especially in this weather and knowing they start breeding season in another month or two. I don't think the show is going to be gone by then. I think I am going to make one more tin warmer, larger, for either the geese or the ducks. The ducks are in the barn basement so that would be easier. But the goose water freezes in minutes so it would be awful helpful if it was they who got it... but then I have to play with cords outside. There is already a cord run out there but it makes me awful nervous- snow rain ie wet.

Finishing making gifts today. I thought I would work on them more yesterday, being shut in, but instead I made snowflakes and cookies with the kids between tending fires. Now I am racing to make the Yule deadline. Cold fingertips do not want to sew but I am a cruel master.
Finishing making gifts today. I thought I would work on them more yesterday, being shut in, but instead I made snowflakes and cookies with the kids between tending fires. Now I am racing to make the Yule deadline. Cold fingertips do not want to sew but I am a cruel master.

You're ahead of me. I need to start making gifts tonight. I have plans to sew approximately a dozen feed-bag totes... I just need to start :/ Oh wait, tonight is craft night at our community center, so I'll actually be knitting there... so tomorrow I will start the sewing! I still have a week, so I'll be fine, right?

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