
sorry, I'm a married farm girl. Unfortunately I didn't use the "must love chickens" criteria when dating, so my husband is not an active part in our farming experience. BUT I did find a way to get him involved. I brought home a butt ugly aluminum ice house and announced it was my new coop. Now he can't wait until spring so he can rip off the aluminum and put on some barn plank siding. While he's at it, he might as well install some new Windows and sliding vents, right? Just wait till he sees what I'm bringing home for some future goats. Wait, did I tell him we're getting goats???
I wish I could see the look on his face...........Sue
Bucka, hope the cross beak is ok.

MEMama, I failed to mention the must have chickens part prior to marriage, too! To be fair, I never really imagined it either at the time. He won't admit it, but he does like the girls. He shoveled out their run today without me even asking. Of course, they wouldn't step foot outside.

LG, I'm with you... Come on, Spring!
Hey everyone! !! Catching up. Been crazy busy...nothing new I guess lol!!! My flock is not a fan if the snow. They were roosting on the patio table yesterday and hanging by the back door. I think they wanted to come in vs begging for treats ;)

Started the sprouts in the mason jars. A nice plate for them today. My 10yo makes them oatmeal to warm them up too.

Bucka - hope your cross beak is ok as well.
I can check yes to both boxes. Well I do have to admit I am not a fan of Rhode Island Reds so I do not like all chickens.

I can check yes to both boxes. Well I do have to admit I am not a fan of Rhode Island Reds so I do not like all chickens.
how much snow did you get widget. I got 10 to 12inches I would say. you must tell why you don't like rhode island reds there must be a story behind it lol.
Chickens were DH's idea here, but quickly became my job, mostly because I enjoy taking care of animals. He helps out with them a lot, especially anything involving building. And I know he enjoys them too. The past several weeks when I am arriving home after dark, DH is responsible for topping off food and water. He's been talking about how much one flock likes to eat out of his hand, so he's not just running through the chores.

Thanks for rooting for cross-beak. She wouldn't come out from under the poop board today, which is odd for her, but she's molting and out of sorts. Normally, she is at the feeder all the time, so I delivered a bowl of food and she did eat for a while. I wish she wasn't mid-molt, as it is supposed to be 15 below tomorrow night.

Whoever complained about the spinning circle of death, it is happening here now too. Trying again to post.
I kept the geese 'in' today which means that they were kept in their winter pens off their coop instead of let to 'free range.' They haven't been going far from the barn. They just sit on their feet and wait for food or water to be brought to them. When Pomfrey took a head bath the other day and was trying to rub all the icicles off his feathers a few minutes later I figured it was time to do something. I crossed my fingers and hoped they would be smart enough to go back in the house for shelter today and THEY DID! Yey. I know geese are smart but they like to be out! Too bad their lettuce and other greens are frozen and nearly crunchy when they are eating them. The chickens and ducks were all moved in a week ago so they are all shut up in the barn now. We had a tin warmer go out so there was a big icicle in one of the pens to thaw out and reset but other than that it was a fairly easy stay-at-home and bake day.

Mustard- running out wood really would stink. Can you get another cord delivered?
how much snow did you get widget. I got 10 to 12inches I would say. you must tell why you don't like rhode island reds there must be a story behind it lol.

About a foot. Hard to tell with all the drifting. At least is was light and fluffy.

Ah yes. Well years ago I was working as a zoo keeper at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I was at the Childrens Zoo section where we had animals ranging from rabbits to deer to snakes and birds of prey. Many of the animals were used for education and were able to go offsite to schools and nursing homes. In the same area as the birds of prey were two chickens. Buckaroo and Banzai. Both RIR. Bucky was the roo and Banzai was the hen. The roo hated men and women who had gone through menopause. And by hate I mean he would attack to kill. The hen hated pretty much everyone. So when the male keepers had to clean out the chicken pen a female keeper had to go in and grab Bucky first. Everyone took a chance in grabbing the hen and I was attacked by her more than once. For some reason we never took either bird anywhere to show off, They just hung out behind the scenes and were able to go outside in the summer in an outdoor pen. We did have three bantam hens of some breed (no idea what) who were just love bugs. They did go out on traveling zoo and were great ambassadors for the zoo. Guess that is why I am partial to the bantam breeds.
About a foot. Hard to tell with all the drifting. At least is was light and fluffy.

Ah yes. Well years ago I was working as a zoo keeper at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I was at the Childrens Zoo section where we had animals ranging from rabbits to deer to snakes and birds of prey. Many of the animals were used for education and were able to go offsite to schools and nursing homes. In the same area as the birds of prey were two chickens. Buckaroo and Banzai. Both RIR. Bucky was the roo and Banzai was the hen. The roo hated men and women who had gone through menopause. And by hate I mean he would attack to kill. The hen hated pretty much everyone. So when the male keepers had to clean out the chicken pen a female keeper had to go in and grab Bucky first. Everyone took a chance in grabbing the hen and I was attacked by her more than once. For some reason we never took either bird anywhere to show off, They just hung out behind the scenes and were able to go outside in the summer in an outdoor pen. We did have three bantam hens of some breed (no idea what) who were just love bugs. They did go out on traveling zoo and were great ambassadors for the zoo. Guess that is why I am partial to the bantam breeds.
that's a good reason not to like them. I have a newhampshire red roo that has attacked me 6 times this summer comes at me when my backs turned. I keep telling him one more time and hes stew but I still have him

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