
I did the same thing last year to recycle shredded paper from work. I thought it was great- until mud mixed with the shredded paper and I'd have to take a manicure set to the coop to break off mud balls from toenails. Even with grit spread like gravel and deep litter started the mud would be found and the shredded paper held it together on their toes. Never had that issue before the paper and it stopped when I left the free nesting material at work. Hope it works out better for you than it did for me!:)
I've been using shredded newspaper since last year with very little office paper. Haven't had any mudball issues but will keep an eye on it.
FTR the headlock picture of those two chickens SCG posted is very funny! I have seen birds do this and try to root under each other and try to push each other out. Its like chicken hoki poki almost.

Still waiting on duck or goose eggs. Waiting....
To the ones who posted about no eggs since November; could it be the light factor? I read they need 12-14 hrs a day of light to make eggs. The days are getting longer now. Thank God. I think thats why they are starting to perk up and some are laying at least every other day. Its a thought anyway. Supposed to warm up this weekend. Something to look forward to!

I've been getting 4 or 5 eggs a day from 5 pullets since they all started laying. But this is their first winter. I expect they'll take a break next year. I think it is related to the amount of light.
We have a chick! I repeat, visual on a chick! Lol
I let the girls out today .They keep coming up to the sliders at the back door and knocking pecking at them. Come out and bring us treats I think they're saying.
My birdies are out today to! I took a walk around the property yesterday, we have 12 acres. I looked for coyote or fox tracks. Found just two sets of tracks that may have been fox or maybe a cat. I'm bad at track identification. Thank goodness it's not as bad as last year. Tracks were everywhere from coyotes and foxes last winter. I'm still weary of them though!

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