
Amaranth can be eaten by both chickens and people. The seeds aren't much for the birds as they really are rather small but the leaves are fine for them to forage. Millet self seeds readily, sometimes as you would rather it did not, and also has small seeds. If you want to try it go ahead but I found that growing things that benefited me or the soil was better use of money and space/time. Oats, buckwheat, rye, clover, collards, legumes. I know folks down south grow quite a lot more but I don't know the actual list. My birds shocked me by eating my radishes! I am not promoting radishes as a crop, just sharing. I have heard about Comfrey but only ever heard that it was an issue for the livers of cows and goats etc. Chickens won't eat so much to cause an issue. Its great in the garden as a manure tea and if you dry it, esp the root, you can use it in salves or poultices on your wounds and shallow animal wounds to speed healing. Sunflowers, squash, and utility apples make my birds happy, too.
I am willing to put money on this being a silkie Marans cross. He has the feathered legs and grey shanks, as well as most of the parti coloration of a FCBM, the blue and slight tuft I have seen on other silkie outcrosses and the chest splatter of the Marans Orloff Cross I have here. Totally willing to put money on it. Beautiful bird! If you really like his looks take a look at Brabanters folks.

No fight necessary. I would rather you had it at your house. Totally rather.
not even a thumb war? what if I chicken out?!
thumb war just for fun

Um, no not a Brabanter. I have a friend with some and have been researching them for fun. They do not have feathered shanks or blue ears. I can see why you would think so though because until I looked at the shanks, ear and the crest and then the type I thought the same thing. That leopard chest makes you think so ... but no.

Wanted to add that my friend keeps them in a flock with Orloffs and Marans and a lot of geese without problems. I have some chickens that pick crests and others that do not so assess your flock and don't give up. They really are beautiful.
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Yes, ashandvine, I was only judging by the leopard chest and the crazy stuff of the head. I've actually never seen a Brabanter except in photos. The birds are striking, whatever they are.

SCG, I've done cardboard brooders before, mostly because my wooden one is small, and I had to put our old porch screens over it which was a real pain. A net sounds like an easier solution. I wish I could put them in our basement, but the basement is nasty, - always full of standing water, -it's a long story, but we choose to ignore it.

I've always used the upstairs guest room because it is totally unfinished. But this year, DH is putting down the floor, so it's off limits. Not sure what I will do. There's another small room I could clean out, but it is currently a mess. Maybe if I order eggs, it will force me to get it together :D . I think I might really order some, but I need to mull it over a bit, since it wasn't my original plan. My plans have changed so many times, I'm making myself crazy.
anyone interested in going in on a chick order from Meyer? I'm planning an order for delivery on Feb. 4th. I'm only getting 4 chicks so need more to get the 15 chick minimum. I'm in Durham, so anyone interested within a half hour radius please let me know.
You are close to me I am in Pownal.
Any advice on keeping my lone chick happy? I put a feather duster in for "her" to snuggle with, but not sure what else I can do... We were expecting more chicks but the shipped eggs didnt work out as well as planned.. Time to set some from my girls!

1967 here so most of the time I am the old one of the group. Although I bet I have everyone beat with the age difference between my oldest sister and me. She is 25 years older. The closest sibling in age is my brother and he is 10 years older. Nothing like having five out of six of one's siblings be old enough to be one's parents.

I know I will have plenty of left over seeds to swap. There is no way I will plant all of them. My Fedco order should arrive soon so I will know if I got everything I ordered in a week or two. For a guess there will be pickling cukes, sweet corn, pie pumpkin, grey stripe sunflower, serrano hot pepper and a few others. Hardest part for me will be trying to keep the cats out of the seedling trays. The warmest part of the house is also where the cats are and true to the stereotype they are curious creatures.
I also have problems with cats, doesn't help that the seedlings are started in living room window, and not moved down to grow lights until I transplant. I place a clothes basket on it's side with the opening against the window and the trays inside, basket propped by books for correct angle. Or you can use a box lined with foil to reflect light back onto the seedlings. Crude, but fairly effective for a short time. My cats LOVE to lie in a tray of tender seedlings. AAUGH.
Any advice on keeping my lone chick happy? I put a feather duster in for "her" to snuggle with, but not sure what else I can do... We were expecting more chicks but the shipped eggs didnt work out as well as planned.. Time to set some from my girls!

Hold him or her when you can, move it to a room where it can see humans. Get it a mirror and/or a stuffed friend.

Any advice on keeping my lone chick happy? I put a feather duster in for "her" to snuggle with, but not sure what else I can do... We were expecting more chicks but the shipped eggs didnt work out as well as planned.. Time to set some from my girls!


Give her a mirror. She will interact with it. I hope you can get her some company soon!
took me almost 30 mins to catch up reading. wow. long day for me.
StephanieMac, welcome. you might see if you can purchase a friend for your chick, it will help so it's not so lonely and peeping all the time.
as far as hatches, i am on hatch #3 this week. i started 1/2/13 and i have a hatch due every week for then next 3 weeks (after I load the incubator again tonight)
I stagger hatches and because I have silkies, i do things a bit different. I brood chicks together that are 1 week apart. so the day 1 chicks go in with the 1 week old chicks. much older and the younger ones get squished. then every other week, that group gets moved to a new pen until most are the same size and they all get combined to the grow out pen.
if anyone places an order with Johnnies, make sure to write "hi hoppy" on your form (i'll say hi back if i get your order)

anna banana- muppet chickens, I never thought of that but i love it!!!

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