
I have been using the greenhouse with good effect, we actually did "un-roll" one of our veggie crops yesterday, it was a sale item at TSC a few weeks back, along with our tomato rocket (have to laugh). This morning I went out, the rolls were still unrolled and I watered them as instructed. The plants in the greenhouse are about 50/50...I have never been a gardener by any means, so this is all fresh for me. I lost my first batch of carrots, not sure why, so i did more in the planter pots...we shall see.

We did bury/plant some rhubarb and strawberries yesterday in the raised is hoping! On a chicken note, the crew is doing great and loving their new digs! I increased the fence size of the run to almost 150' around, nice thick grass, and some dry dirt (they love the dry dirt! I had never watched a dust bath...kind of funny!) The kids are doing very well managing our little flock.

I did notice some strange behaviors...Before I was able to get the dividers into the nest box, they would all crowd into the southernmost corner, after the dividers, they were still bucking for position... Bec (my oldest daughter) put some straw in the nest boxes...and poof! They were gone and fast! I found 9 of them all on the highest perch in the coop! Not sure if it is normal behavior or not...

We are also in the midst of ordering our first 30 broilers this week...mumma is not too happy about it, but I think that financially we will be better off in a few weeks (here is hoping again). Any advice on this aspect of chicken is even newer to me so fire away guys!

This weather! Finally. Now if only the cold nights would go away. Who else risked planting out, Hoppy? I did the same two days ago and sadly lost most of my brassica seedlings again! I think it was more transplant shock than the frost though. The celery, spinach, lettuce, radishes and Chard are looking good though. Not sure about the beets, carrots and parsnips :( I planted a bunch of seeds along with the seedlings so hopefully I will still get broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. This is our first time gardening really so it is a lot of trial and error. I have learned a lot about growing from seeds this spring...Mainly; I need a greenhouse and more grow lights!

I picked up my meaties from Paris Farmers Union the other day. First time with chicks too! SO CUTE! I got Bronze Turkeys and Red Rangers. The turkeys are so outgoing and friendly. They are the opposite of what I was expecting of them. I am trying very hard not to dote on these guys. Can't wait to get the rest of my layers from Ash so I can feel free to love them

Now to put a chicken fence around all 250' of garden perimeter....Anyone have any fencing they are looking to get rid of?
Mustard Tiger, I used some"garden border fencing" that I found at lowes to our garden- It was not too expensive....but then again the perimeter of our garden is only about 125. We bought 4 sturdy step in posts and then hubby cut some branches to support the rest.
Mustard-- your Ams are all out. Just waiting on Marans

I think the goose is setting. FINALLY FINALLY.

bucka... I admit I am already eager for quiet in here. Those little peepers aren't too fond of the dog watching chick flicks. She went out with me the past two days and has been great with the chickens. She even helped me herd one and was so good. I am not ready to just let her out with them unsupervised but its a start.

I have here a Buff Opr pullet and a few random crosses if anyone is interested. Ameraucana chicks as well. Open to trades.
Ash, know we talked last year about my Pekins. But have many fertile eggs, could maybe send you some if interested. Good stock, fat and happy, have 6 in the bator now and they're squirming when candled with 10 days left. Think you said you always stuck another one or two in when the eggs were dead, had to do that. Had 2 that had died in egg, so snuck in 2 very obviously healthy fertiles, and they are doing well. Stupid me, dropped one of the mature pekin ones yesterday while candling,
, perfect embryo, glad the pistol was not close by, shoot myself.

Anyway, the little Buffs are only 2 weeks and doing wonderful. Had them swimming happily at a week every other day. Yesterday at a day shy of 2 weeks put them in their little tub and they FREAKED!!! They wanted no parts of it and were clambering to get out after seconds. A few days before they were submarining. Came to realize they are losing their baby down and growing in pins and had no flotation at all, they would have drowned. Took all shivering 11 out and tucked them in towels, they tried to preen, but have no oils yet. Some fell over onto their backs on the towels and were like turtles trying to upright. Poor things and stupid me, had forgotten about that transition age since last year. They all dried fine with some gentle rubbing, but a warning to others...never leave the babies in the water unattended, was right there and couldn't imagine what was wrong with them, they were fine 2 days prior, things happen quickly. They won't be in the water for a few days now, and will make sure they can touch bottom.

All fluffed back up, had the space heater on, and they were some ravenous after their great mis-adventure. Know there are a lot of questions here about when you can let the babies swim, and would say supervised at all times. At a week, they will love it, submarine and have a grand time for about 5 minutes max, be ready with dry towels and gently rub them dry and make sure they have some heat, as they will be soaked to the skin. They will fluff up fairly quick, and it is fun to watch those little fuzz balls subbing and diving and splashing about, but at 2 weeks, dangerous without touching bottom. Just hope they were not too traumatized, but the way they go after their drinking water, doubt it. Will let them have an knee deep bath tomorrow, they do love it so.

Lucky, the nasty drake, has started to settle down, he still tries to approach me, even outside, but just keep scaring him off. Hate to do it, never know if he's just trying to be friendly or coming for me. Did some reading on the behavior, geeze, a drake trying to mount a 200 lb man??? Would be a good you-tube video LOL! Don't want him to do that to anyone. The arm waving and shouting seem to help, but something in my hands like the feed bucket to put between us works too. Will have to carry the walking stick with me, but don't think it's big enough to deter him and would hate to have to use it. He could care less about the golden retrievers, they are scared to death of him. Determined little bugger and keeps on tryin'.

Anyway, have the Buff ducks if anyone is interested, no rush to get rid of them quite yet, but pretty sure have 3 boys to 3 girls per set or more, so...if anyone is interested, can hold til you are ready. Beautiful and very friendly (so far!!!) have my hands on them every day . Should be feathering out in the next week or so, much quicker than the Pekins. Poor little things, must itch like crazy having those quills come thru...
Anyone have any easter egger pullets that they are interested in getting rid of they would need to be around 8 weeks as that is what my current flock is at I am interested in two of them because turns out 3 of the six buff orphs I got are roos ;-) ps if anyone wants a buff orph roo let me know!
Anyone have any easter egger pullets that they are interested in getting rid of they would need to be around 8 weeks as that is what my current flock is at I am interested in two of them because turns out 3 of the six buff orphs I got are roos ;-) ps if anyone wants a buff orph roo let me know!
Your luck sounds just like mine, this spring!! The guys at Aubuchon, where I got my chicks said that there was about a 1% chance I'd get a cockerel and this spring, I got two-an EE and Dark Brahma. I'm so bummed.
I chose the EE because it seemed to have really pretty grayish-blue down and the Dark Brahma just happened to be in with the EEs. I got him by accident, but was hearing what a great breed it was, that I was pretty excited to have this one. Over the past few days, I noticed the feathers weren't coming in like the picture I have of the female. So, I posted some pictures on the Dark Brahma thread and my suspicions were correct. Bummer!!
This glorious weather is supposed to end this week, but I am kind of glad. Our garden is a dust bowl (sandy soil). After waiting for the peas to sprout for a week, we ended up putting down soaker hoses and they are just starting to surface.

My "failure to thrive" lavender Ameraucana has me on an emotional roller coaster ride. About every 12 hours I say to myself things like: "oh well, it looks like she will die today. I did my best. It's sink or swim now. I don't want a chicken that needs to be coddled." And 12 hours later, I say, "look! She's eating and running around. Maybe she's going to make it!" And then back to the death march 12 hours after that.

This morning, she wouldn't even eat. I think she was too cold, as she is not growing feathers quickly like the others. They are outside now, but with the Ecoglow. I really did expect she would be dead this afternoon. I brought them piles of moistened chick starter with some scrambled egg. That is the first time I ever saw this runty chick run. She grabbed a little piece of egg and sprinted about excitedly. Still, she is half the size of the others. Time will tell.
here's a hint for you on those tender seedlings, I save my gal milk jugs, cut off the bottom, remove the cap and place them over the seedlings. the rain can get in but the frost for the most part doesn't bother them, then they get big enough, just take them off and keep growing.

This weather! Finally. Now if only the cold nights would go away. Who else risked planting out, Hoppy? I did the same two days ago and sadly lost most of my brassica seedlings again! I think it was more transplant shock than the frost though. The celery, spinach, lettuce, radishes and Chard are looking good though. Not sure about the beets, carrots and parsnips :( I planted a bunch of seeds along with the seedlings so hopefully I will still get broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. This is our first time gardening really so it is a lot of trial and error. I have learned a lot about growing from seeds this spring...Mainly; I need a greenhouse and more grow lights!
Anyone have any easter egger pullets that they are interested in getting rid of they would need to be around 8 weeks as that is what my current flock is at I am interested in two of them because turns out 3 of the six buff orphs I got are roos ;-) ps if anyone wants a buff orph roo let me know!
I have two EE pullets about 7-8 weeks old now I think. Where are you located? I have some other breeds too if you were interested, buff orps, silver laced wyandottes, red sexlinks, and a black sexlink. All about the same age.
Hoppy, that is a great idea. Most things look like they have sprung back to life this morning which is encouraging. This weekend it is chicks, planting more beds as well as the kitchen gardenherb bed, starting melons and cukes inside and a visit from dad in law to really throw a wrench into things!! Maybe I will put him and husband to work on finishing the tractor. We were supposed to paint the house exterior but with rain I think that work plan is over hehe.

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