
Sorry for your loss, Widget.


That makes sense. I thought you couldn't cut them until the rigor passed though. Glad to know you can.
(Says the girl who is totally new to meat birds!)
When we lose some one we love we lose a piece of ourselves. I hope that your wounds heal in reasonable time Widget. Hail, Sam, may you be with your forefathers.

Regarding processing: when I spoke with those at West Gardiner processing the things I learned from them are that like SCG says the birds should get a rinse and then be plunged into a bucket or cooler of ice water to cool them as fast as possible. THIS is key to safety. We do not put them in the frig for days or anywhere else but the freezer for this reason. If I am only doing one bird I might let it relax a bit in the frig while I clean up outside. I usually do a single bird alone. Then it goes into the freezer.

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