
Thanks everyone. The pack is definitely off tonight. I know the pit is upset. She went with us to the vet and went crazy when I left her in the truck while I took Sam in. Since then she has been really quiet and snuggly. Sam was her best buddy. To make things worse I have two other older dogs (12 and 10 ) who have health issues and are slowly going down hill. Looks like it won't be long before I have to make a decision with them.
It is the hardest thing when we choose to have these animals in our life, Knowing we will most likely outlive them. We give them wonderful full happy lives though :) Sorry Widget. What a face yo ur girl had!
so sorry widget.

is anyone going to the pittsfield egg festival? I've never gone but i just submitted entries for their art contest. entries close tomorrow and can be emailed in.
to find out whats going on, just do a google search. apparently this festival was to celebrate the brown egg laying industry in maine.
Thanks everyone. The pack is definitely off tonight. I know the pit is upset. She went with us to the vet and went crazy when I left her in the truck while I took Sam in. Since then she has been really quiet and snuggly. Sam was her best buddy. To make things worse I have two other older dogs (12 and 10 ) who have health issues and are slowly going down hill. Looks like it won't be long before I have to make a decision with them.
So sorry for your loss, she was a beautiful dog :(

My chicks home is basically done and they went out yesterday afternoon! Still need to build the nesting boxes and a run but they are happy in their new home! My Dh did a super job!!
Baby ducks are here! Anconas. I thought they would all be black and white-- or yellow to start but they are also blue or lav or something. I won't know till they feather more. Gosh those little pippers are cute! I also have become pretty good at candling with the right tool. I candled some eggs I got in the mail and was a little disappointed. I know now whey they say 50 % of shipped eggs is good. I MIGHT get that.

Only the chicken math was left oit of this.

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