
there are a few respitory diseases that can be carried in eggs from what I have heard (MS, Corza,MG) google those. I wouldn't say that hatchery birds are disease free but if they did have a disease, that hatchery wouldn't be in business very long.

IC is NOT transovarian. It is a direct contact only. MG IS transovarian. It is also the one that is often the silent threat as it has asymptomatic carriers. Hatcheries do often immunize as well and you should know that by mixing your hatchery birds with your breeder birds who are typically not immunized the hatchery birds can slough off disease to the breeders. It is a small risk but a risk that I learned existed. Additionally, MS is not a respiratory disease. It presents as a joint disease whereby the bird is seen to flounder as it tries to walk and eventually can not walk at all.

This is an easy to read site about poultry diseases but I recommend reading the one I linked earlier about MG because once you know what to look for you can avoid trouble.

I remember going to this man's house looking at his birds-- I was there for geese, but given how he kept them I was ready to leave without anything. Then I saw my first spangled Hamburg. This was last year. I remarked then on how small they were. Well, I bring this up because this bird had very strange looking legs. NOW I know why. At the time the man pointed at them and said it was because the chicken was old. Nope. I have seen old chickens without this issue. What I was seeing then and thankfully avoided having here was leg mites!! When I went to a very nice breeder, a person who also shows and does well AND has a beautiful farm, to look over his birds one of his birds had a head full of dirt. The "dirt" was lice and mites. I am going to sound bossy right now and I hope you will forgive me but: handle the birds you want to buy and look them over!! Look at the eye closely, the feet, under the wings and butt fluff. Are the birds clean? I am not saying spotless. Do you see little bugs? Do you see gleet or feces? Do you see scales missing or cracks in the pads of the feet? Are the eyes clear or do you see worms or bubbles or swelling? Feel the birds keel-- this is the breast bone. Is it sticking out?? Is there flesh to either side of it? Things happen. Birds pluck each other, birds mount each other, get into fights, birds get into mud and even poop on each other but those things are reasonable, though embarrassing to the seller. Learn the basics and save yourself some heart ache. Treat your chickens like the investment they are. I also learned that it is a reasonable to worm your birds when they arrive-- thank you Hoppy. Just live without eggs for another week or so... although I just read about something that is only a one day withdrawal. I'll try to find it. And quarantine should be for more than ten days if you really want to be sure of what you have. Simple enough steps can give you a good chance of having a happy flock.
New Potcake puppy is home and settling in nicely.

Long day yesterday to RI to pick her up. Ended up going through Boston on the way back instead of going around.
Traffic was moderate but boy do I hate driving there. Amazing some of the houses I passed at the MA/RI border. Mansion after mansion with the run of the mill house mixed in.
Widget did you really just brag about a new puppy and NOT post a pic??? awww, come on!! lol

I did.
She won't hold still long enough to get a picture and yesterday I was running around getting all the errands done I didn't get to on Saturday. Then there is the fact that I just got a new camera that I have to figure out how to use.Don't worry pictures will be coming at some point.
Hi there I am a newbie getting lots of good info but my main reason for joining is to find a new mate for my very depressed female rouen. My male died unexpectedly Friday morning. they were inseparable and now she just mopes around. We found him Friday morning in the dog house she was laying next to him he was fine when I locked them up for the night they share a house with 2 month old geese and have been since the geese have been 2 weeks old. I really just need to find here a mate she is so lonely. He was about 3 months old and just getting his green head and white ring. He was beautiful and was a snuggler too. If anyone out there knows of someone selling rouens please let me know. Thanks
I did.
She won't hold still long enough to get a picture and yesterday I was running around getting all the errands done I didn't get to on Saturday. Then there is the fact that I just got a new camera that I have to figure out how to use.Don't worry pictures will be coming at some point.

What exacty is a Potcake puppy? Yes, need pics please!
I know this thread was made a few years ago, but I wanted to add to it in hopes of bringing it back, I would love to hear who has what available now . We are looking for layers older than 12 weeks preferably. 10 weeks minimum. I have been in touch with Empire Acres in regards to the Black Giants. I LOVE those, will be picking up 2 Sunday. Does anyone have those? What do you like, dislike? Thanks!!

^ Crazy excited new chicken lover!
I know no one can solve this dilemma, but I just have to share. My BSL has been laying multiple eggs and most often her eggs are double yolkers. This morning, she laid a nice normal pullet egg IN THE NEST (only b/c I blocked off the area under the perch that she has been nesting in) We got back home this evening, and I ran out back to check on the girls. She was all puffed up again, walking slowly in the yard, and I watched her lay an other "rubber" egg. The girls broke it and started eating it before I could intervene... Then, within an other minute, I watched her lay yet an other "rubber" egg. So, this is 3 eggs in less than 14 hours. Have any of you had similar circumstances with pullets that eventually calmed down into a state of normalcy?????

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