
I did see some partridge feather birds but was'nt paying that close to the breeds in that feathering. Did see a couple butter cups that my oldest wants to bread. Also was looking for lavenvelder. which we found just one. Was just amazed in B/O and there size. Hope to be able to talk to the breeder.
The times I have been, the primary focus was on bantams; maybe five bantams for every large fowl.
That seems about right at this showing. I am really falling in love with the Orp. breed. and standard breeds. Do have some pic will post a couple soon.
I'm actually a little relieved to hear that the size is due to the specific breeding for that. I have McMurray hatchery birds, and I am hoping my buffs do NOT get as big as the ones at the fair. Those Buff Orpingtons at the Union Fair were enormous!

For showing, we may start looking around for some higher quality birds, but for my general pet/laying flock, I guess I don't mind them being generic hatchery birds.
Well,,, sooo many Mainers here... Luv it..
We live in Shapleigh,, we started fresh for the first time this year.. This past April with 4 RIR, 3 NH Reds, 4 White Leghorns and 1 God only knows Rooster... Black and white specs.. Well,, that was how it was suppose to be anyways... How it actually went down is 4 RIR, 2 NH Reds, 4 Legs, and 1 God only knows Black and white spec hen...

We just got our first set of eggs yesterday and today...

Anyhoo,, When my hubby built the shed/coop, we did not insulate it.. the last time we did the chicken thing.. we were renting a farm house while we were building our house.. and with the farm house came 11 hens... they lived in this huge barn,, with all kinds of openings and no insulation.. they did fine..
So DH figured they didn't need a 5x10 area unsulated..
We will be however, useing the electric pan for the water so it will not freeze, And during the day we turn on the light.. at least a 100w bulb,, for the heat and the light.. they need at least 12 hours of daylight for happy eggs...

Good luck with your new hobby...
I am in Sanford and know of a RIR Rooster if you are interested. Last year, I gave a friend some items to start her chicks and she thought she would be nice and order me a rooster. I didn't need one. She has 2 now and wants to get rid of them. She says they are dominant and fight and she is scared of them, but I think it is because she has 2. I haven't seen them myself this year, but can check it out for you.
I know what you mean Love2Farm,,, Roo's are a bit aggresive.. Mine keeps coming after me when I go looking for eggs out in the woods.. Some have started laying in the coop... in their nestlers... But I still am affraid that there may be some laying out in the woods... Lil bugger,, doesn't like me nosing around his women..!
if anyone is looking for any roos i have 4 young ones....2 black(paul smith) and 2 blue wheaten(gary ramey) ameraucana roos, nice dispositions....

eta-near portland
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