Make my day! What is the funniest chicken story you have?

Several of my six pullets like to sit in the plastic lawn chair I put inside the run for ME to sit to enjoy watching THEM. No problem, kinda cute to see them sitting on it. I just wipe it down when *I* want to use it.

One day I wiped down the chair, sat in it, lit a cigarette, and reached down to pick up the can of soda I'd set on the ground whilst tidying up the chair. Bernadette jumped up onto my back as I bent over! I dropped my smoke and QUICKLY ground it out with my boot so nobody would think it was a treat, but I stayed bent over. I didn't want to startle Bernadette.....

Buffy hopped to one arm of the chair and gave me the look you will see in my avatar.

I sat in that position, bent over, until Bernadette started picking at my hair. When I slowly moved upright, she hopped to the other arm of the chair, letting me know in no uncertain terms I was messing with her view of the run.
Wish somebody nearby had a camera!

(I've only had chickens for four months.... so I know there are more cute/funny things to come.)
I love that pic! All four of my full-grown CM pullets will wedge onto a cushioned patio chair for an afternoon nap. Then their two BIIIIIG brothers will try to get their snuggle on too! It is like watching penguins shove each other off a cliff!
One of my girls hit an icy patch on the driveway at full speed. She slid for about three feet! Her posture and expression was absolutely priceless. I wish I could have captured that on video!
Oh yes! I forgot: roosters love slides! And I love watching the dumb things do it over and over and over.

I must get a video.
This is more cute then funny.
I have a black jap rooster named Slyvester and he had a brother Foggy. Well Foggy decided he wanted all the girls to himself and just beat the you know what out of Slyvester. So each day I put poor Slyvester outside the run so he wouldn't get beat up. Well each night Slyvester would come up to the house and fly up onto the railing that surrounds the outside stairwell into the basement and part of this railing comes right up next to the kitchen door. So he would be on the railing right next to the glass screen door crowing and looking into the kitchen. When it was time to go lock up I would walk out and Slyvester would fly down, follow me to the coop, I would open the door and he would go on in and high tail it to HIS roosting spot before Foggy could fly down from his spot and give him a good rear end kicking.
Well Foggy died about two years ago and now Slyvester has the girls to himself. Last summer I put him outside the run to see if he would do it again and just like the good ole days he did.
Ms.FuzzyButts :

Playground slides? This I've got to see!

I wanna see too!!! Please please please... We're waiting..

Yup- Little Tykes slides. They all perch on it, but one roo would slide down over and over. I don't know if he knew what he was he was stuck in a loop.

My nosey hens will sit on the ramp we put in for the MIL's wheelchair/scooter. It is just a piece of melamine, so no traction. If you startle them good ***vhooop!*** down they go!

EDIT: I work from home tomorrow, and will TRY to get a video. No promises--it is supposed to rain.
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We were moving my in-laws over to our home. In the process of that we had a small dump truck full of scrap metal to go to the recycle place 30 miles north on the interstate. By the time we got loaded it was too late to take the load up that day so we had to take it up early the next morning which meant that it had to sit at our house overnight. I happened to be the one to drive the load to the scrap yard. On the way there I had several cars and tractor trailers go by blowing horns and pointing at the top of the truck. Having done many loads of scrap, I assumed that they were thinking something was going to come off and assured them nothing would and kept going. I even caught sight of one person flagging down a police car in the median and pointing at our truck. I was getting off the exit at this point and went to the scrap yard. As I started unstrapping I noticed the guys in the truck across from me start to laugh. My eyes followed theirs... one of our trouble maker Ameracaunas was on the top of the roof in the chicken wire and other metal with the biggest eyes a chicken could have. Her mouth was open and she didn't move until I crawled up there to get her. At which point she decided to go for a walk around the top of the metal pile on our dump truck. I lunged and got her leg and a few scrapes.

By this point the entire scrap yard had come to a halt. They were all staring at this short woman crawling all over the top of the metal and wire trying to catch her chicken without falling off and then trying to get off the top of the pile without killing the chicken and herself. I got off and got her tucked into the truck. The whole place clapped and then cracked up. They said they'd have to charge me if there were eggs in there... and then just laughed. I had to go in a couple of months later with another load and overheard them telling the story of the crazy woman with the chicken on top of her load. By the way the chicken was fine - short a few feathers... but fine.

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