Make-up Poll


  • I don't wear any

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • I only use foundation and that's all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use everything, foundation,eyeliner,blush,alot!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Very minimal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I voted 'no makeup' because unless I am going to a fancy-dress event, I don't. Don't have time, really. However, when I am dressed to the nines I wear mineral foundation, concealer, blush, eyeliner pencil, super duper lashes into the next county mascara, and lip color.
I don't normally wear any other than a little mascara. Hubbo and I hadn't been married too long when we went to one of his Union meetings. I had my mascara on, and asked him if the mascara was enough, or did I need more? He didn't miss a beat when he said "I don't see where more would help".

I don't wear much, jus occasionally i will wear mascara and a bit of lip gloss. if it is a special occasion though, i wear more.
I wear it all.

I am to afraid I would scare small children, the elderly and everyone else for that matter!

I love it! And it only takes a minute to apply.
I always wear make up when I am going out. Other than that some days I wear it to work, some days I don't. When I do wear makeup it is always foundation, mascara, blush, eye shadow and liner. I prefer lipsticks that are REALLY long lasting because once I do my makeup I am not redoing anything. It takes me exactly 4 minutes to do my makeup routine. I figure if that isn't enough time to make me look good then I am beyond help! LOL
Around the house, on weekends, etc I don't wear any. If I really look tired and I have to go out, I'll throw on some mascara. For work; however, I use eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and a little blush. I only use foundation and lipstick for very special events, which is rare. My skin is far from flawless, but I don't care for having foundation on all time. I feel better without it, even if it means my skin doesn't look the best. My attitude is take or leave it...I'm not a runway model and foundation won't make my butt any smaller, so why cover up the minor flaws. haha!

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