Makeup talk (if a dude trolls this, it could get AWKWARD)

Yeah, I tried hard candy and a crayon would have worked better, lol. I've honestly NEVER bought anything from hot topic, but my BFF swears by em.
Hot Topic has changed way too much in the past 5 years. I can't even find my favorite pants there anymore. They're still good on the makeup end of things though. Not sure about their eyeshadow since I haven't had the chance to get any from there.
Quote: I can agree with that!
I'm thinking of changing this to a beauty thread, not just a makeup thread (we can only talk bout just makeup for so long before the thread dies, lol) all in agreement say "aye"
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Maybe I'm just an old man, but the most beautiful
thing a woman can put on her face is a smile...

and I guess that goes for anyone else also.

Sure enough, if you've got your face all done up
pretty, I make look twice. (I'm old, not dead.) But
I promise you, I'm going on my way without missing
a step. But a woman with a real smile...her, I may have
to stop and enjoy.

So, light up the day with a smile. Works on me every time.

But I'm just an old man.

Make up is funny stuff really. When i was little, my mum always wore make up, well it was just face powder and lipstick in those days. Even when she came to collect us from school she would always refresh her lipstick. Like combing her hair and making sure her stocking seems were straight, it was something she always did. I asked her about it once and she told me that during the war, women had so little that was feminine and pretty that they made sure they always looked their best. Hitler might be able to do many things but he couldn't take away their courage or pride in themselves. Wearing make up was taking pride in their appearance and that was vital for morale. One thing that was never rationed interestingly was lipstick. Long after mum died I came across her powder compact. I opened the lid and smelled again the delicate fragrance that for me, will ever be associated with my mum and the wonderful women fo her generation.
We kinda stalled so I will ask a question. Who uses bronzer. What kind and do you use it year round?

I have several. BE and physicians formula. I use them year round.
No bronzer here. Heck, I don't even use blush.

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