Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Fixing the grow out pen in the barn to move the new hatch into - and keep the mice out of. Adding more wind break to the bunny barn, Moving tender plants inside before tonight's brief freeze. Mixing up a dewormer for the rest of the week. "Stuff".

I need to work a few ours OT at the day job, too.

Its 47 outside, and absolutely gorgeous. The sort of 47 you wear shorts and Tshirt in. and then there's a 20 mph wind gust out of nowhere and suddenly even the cat and the goats are cold. and I'm covered in goosebumps the size of push pins.
Its 47 outside, and absolutely gorgeous. The sort of 47 you wear shorts and Tshirt in. and then there's a 20 mph wind gust out of nowhere and suddenly even the cat and the goats are cold. and I'm covered in goosebumps the size of push pins.

It was like that here the other day.

I had to plead "Pollen!" to keep my son from opening the windows.
I've missed so much on this thread!! I'm sorry about your luck Stormcrow!! Hopefully it gets better soon.
Funny thing about luck. Play long enough and luck starts to get smoothed out, the underlying probabilites become increasingly clear through the statistical noise.

But I knew these hatches would likely be low success - I changed too much at once, under less than optimal weather conditions.

Now, the rats/mice getting into the new grow out pen? THAT I had not accounted for. Will be fixed in the next hour. Just cutting the last piece of hardware cloth.
This is RUG, "Rooster of Unknown Genetics", and the first potential deficiency in my plans. [Weight: ] My only Rooster.

He's a product of rehoming, age unknown (believed over one year, less than three) and has already produced prior generations at his old home. Has also sired his first hatching at mine, 8 December 20.

View attachment 2443676

Pro: Good Size, Pattern, large single comb, clean yellow legs with an orange/red tone on the sides. Known to sire offspring. Appears to be an adequate and protective free ranger.

Cons: Unknown breed/ancestry, age, speed of growth.
He looks like a barred rock. Might be a cross between a barred rock and something else due to the blacker tail feathers!

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