Making Progress On Our Coop VIDEO

Uncle Marc

8 Years
Oct 12, 2011
Poplar Grove Kentucky
Man, with all this warm weather so far this winter, I'm making some real progress. And I'm doing almost all of this as a one man project. One, old, sore man I might add. Here's the latest video:
Great looking coop. I would have done one thing different though. I would have put the wire on the run to the outside of the lumber. It is harder for a predator to get in if the wire is on the outside of the frame. What did you fasten your wire with?
Nice job...

I appreciate you sharing the video. I know exactly what you mean about the time it takes to put these things together.... It will be fun to see you get it completed!
Very nice!
Wow looks great! I have been waiting on an update. Can't wait to see your chickens when you get them. I have Barred Rocks and love them. They are great birds.

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