Making some progress on our coop addition

I do believe that is bigger and nicer then our first house, that we raised four kids in!!!! Lucky Lucky chickens....
It doesn't seem like we made a lot of progress even though we work on it constantly. The little stuff takes forever though, like putting in pop doors, making the "people" door, and of course making a trip (or two) to Lowe's just about every

The roof is completely finished (whew- and thank you hubby!). Three of the 5 pop doors are cut and rough framed. Tar paper and siding are making progress. And Lowe's stocks should be going up significantly about now. I stopped totalling receipts when the total reached $OVER,BUDGET.00.

This is where it is at as of this morning, but I am hoping to make some significant progress during the day today- it isn't supposed to rain (for once), and (for once) I think I have everything w/o making the trip to Lowe's.



That's awesome - I've got coop envy!
I think that has to be bigger than my entire backyard before I moved house.
Good stuff

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