Malay thread

That's not a Malay, probably a far off cross. I think if you're gonna post pics it's better to get the correct ones.
I post only the birds I own, not some halfway around the world. The malay I've seen in other countries defiantly look better than those in the US, but very few people in the US have those birds. I know what I'm looking for out of the birds and will strive to keep improving the line. You may find this hard to believe, but I don't raise my birds for your approval.
I believe that this network is intended to share and educate people about Malays, so I think if you're gonna share information then it better be correct otherwise you're misinforming people. You can't call a PitBull, a Mastiff. It's wrong!
I believe that this network is intended to share and educate people about Malays, so I think if you're gonna share information then it better be correct otherwise you're misinforming people. You can't call a PitBull, a Mastiff. It's wrong!
Again, big difference between international Malay and the ones in the US. Most of my Malay breeders have come from well know breeders in the US. One of them shows his Malay nationwide and does well, so they have to be on the standard. All my malay have the correct stance and combs, sometimes it's just difficult for them to stand still for a pic. I cull hard on anything that I don't like. This is just the 2nd generation and I will improve with the next generation. Can you post some of your "real" malay that are in the US? I'm not going to go back an forth with you about this. I'm in no way trying to say I have the biggest or best malay or I'm an expert on the breed. I've raised them for about 8 years and enjoy the breed. I will raise and sale my birds as malay. Just like anything else in this world, if you don't like it don't buy it. Everyone that has bought my birds have been happy with what they've purchased.
hello everyone, plz tell are mr chickens, malay or asil? and what the difference b/w both breed? i added my rooster and 2 hens pictures, picture 3rd and 4th are same hen. both hen always fighting like hell. i never keep together, you also can see in pic 7 how they react with each other. thx
1st pic

2nd pic

3rd pic

4th pic

5th pic

6th pic

7th pic
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here is my new pullet, guys im very very excited to breed her with my fav rooster. tell me she is malay or asil? and plz tell me the difference b/w both breed thx.


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