Malay thread

how did you get mottled white and black from a black roo
The main hen I used last year was a whit
e splash hen. I plan to cross the mottled roo over a mahogany splash colored hen this year. I should get some good color. He was the only one that came this color. Going to put the solid black roo over 5 of his pulleys from last season.
Actually got my first egg yesterday and another today from the black or white pullets in the picture. I hope to start setting eggs from them by the end of December - Mid January.
About 10 minutes from the Bristol Motor Speedway.
aww, thats all the way up in TN. Im about 15 min north of the FL border. I dont suppose you ever come own this way (around Tallahassee area)?
I have a red pyle hen, Had a trio, but I lost the rooster to a coon, and the other hen the egg laying problems this year. :( She's in with my Thai/EEs right now.
Three Malay pens this year.

1) Black Malay (Pullets are young but good size. Roo is 30 inches)

2) White/splash Malay (Pullets are young, but good size. Roo is about 25-26 inches. Hen side is bigger so hope to add some size with this years hatch).

3) Spangled Malay ( roo is young, but big. Probably 28 inches or more already. Should get great color from this cross.)

That's not a Malay, probably a far off cross. I think if you're gonna post pics it's better to get the correct ones.

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