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Thanks! I asked; no can do. At least I have my dear Nelly consoling me right now. Well, pooping on my desk and pecking at a recent hand injury!
L&Schickens :

I use to have a lot of them, but now not so many. I moved and had to sell off most of my birds. But I kept some!!
Here are some I have now. Goldie and Baby Sarge hached their first clutch ever this year. They are 7 years old, so it was amazing that Goldie finally decided to sit. They have 7 babies. All the eggs she had hatched.


This is Sweety Pie. He is one of a few I hatched last eyar in the incubator. All the others were killed by a weasel.


and his daddy, Baby Sarge:


And momma, Goldie:

Some past Seramas:
This boy was BEAUTIFUL! He was a 'B', but my favoriate one.

WOW...truly impressive birds! good job​

My new Serama chick from Darlene Thomas's eggs
Only had one hatch but a sweetie. The egg was marked "wheaten" so I am guessing that's what the parents are.

I also went to a chicken show and came home with a new Serama addition- she's a silkie hen, hatched chicks, sweet as can be. I'm going to call her "Missy".





2 were freshly dubbed thats the reason for the dried blood,female isnt posing but she has a upright tail and so does the first one,its just my timing sucks and they move too much.Please dont critize the dubbing,I do encourage to be a critic on their over all appearence.
Austin, go to a thesaurus for names! I've had good luck with it. Like, if you want to play on Curly's "windy" looking quality, you could name him Bluster, Tsunami, Twister, and so on.

c_soto, I can't see the Serama in your birds without their combs and wattles! I like your angled-picture bird the best, but I don't know if it's a hen or a young roo.
c_soto... are you dubbing them yourself? To each his own, I know.... but this is not typical of how seramas are "groomed". This would be more typical of pure game type birds. I'll just have to sit here a while and shake my head on this one... =\\
yea I know,Im not showing them so I chose to make them look that way.I like the look first and with the chicago winter it helps a little. They are all boys and crowing .I know for standards and shows its a big no no.

The first chicks from my own birds! I'm giving them to a co-worker's daughter in hopes that she joins the SCNA and goes gallavaunting across the countryside to shows with me. Hopefully, I'll have more for myself in a week.
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