Male or female buff Orpington ?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 21, 2014
What do you guys think:
I agree from that far and angle it sure looks like a hen to me, looks just like my 2 adult B.O. hens.
I have one that is about 7 lbs and one that is about 9lbs. both laying hens. We are not saying you are wrong since the pics are not very good angles to judge but the variance in hens is big. Both of mine are the low in the pecking order under my 2 Production Reds and pretty docile in all instances but yours could just be a head hen. My head hen is quite ornery when she thinks she needs to be and at that age she felt she needed to be a lot as she established her spot in the coop.
Do you have other similar sized B.O.'s, is this ones legs thicker, is his/her comb redder and bigger? Is she squatting yet when you walk up to her/him? Does this one carry itself more head high and sloped back than the rest that are more flat backed in their posture? A combination of those things moreso than a pushy personality are other clues.

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