male or female


7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Hello All! I am a first time chicken owner and I am still trying to figure out some stuff. I went the past 4 months thinking my chickens were gals when I received a rude awakening the other morning. I was woken up to what sounded like a person screaming outside my window. I run outside to see it was my beloved Dark Child crowing. I was in disbelief. Then all the signs flashed before my eyes. I live in a residential area, so I found him a new home ASAP. For the meantime he would take residence in my bathroom. But right when I thought I had it all figured out...I was awoken to a weird noise again, only this time from my Hello Kitty. I'm not sure if she is a he just yet, so below you will find some pics and hopefully someone can help me out.

This is the one that was crowing the first day

This is the one that was making weird noises this morning

I'm pretty sure that chicken butt is a pullet.
Yes, Hello Kitty is a cockerel. He has very distinctive hackle and saddle feathers - the long, thin ones along the back of his neck and right above his tail. That's a rooster trait. I think your buff colored chicken is probably a pullet.
Hello Kitty & Dark Child are both mature cockerels - they have quite healthy saddle feathers (those slim pointy feathers cascading like a waterfall off the sides of their back just before their tails) which means they are def boys. Chicken Butt looks like a girl to me.
oh and
& the world of chicken ownership!
Okay, that makes sense now that I see it clearly. THANKS for the help! This sure is a learning experience for me!

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