male or female

Yes she can wash now she doesnt really do it though.i will switch to saline salution i have just been putting it in her eyes the visin once a day since sat si she really hasnt had that much.she is good she is eating well and playfull lol.i just worry cause i dont want her eyes to get worse
nemobiss, you are taking a good approach, not assuming it will just go away on its own. A spray bottle set to mist or very fine light spray would be great, because misting her face and eyes will wash them as well as act as an antimicrobial. Saline solution is a wonderful thing! There are "bigger guns," so to speak, like antibiotic ophthalmic gel, but you can make your own.
ACV, diluted in water, is good for rinsing her head and for her to drink as a tonic. Just maybe - I am a little tired, here - a tablespoon per gallon.

The saline solution would not be for her to drink - just to lightly spray over her eyes.

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