male or female

We got two males and we already had two female ducks will the males fight over the females.the males have been living together since they were born.
We got two males and we already had two female ducks will the males fight over the females.the males have been living together since they were born.
Most likely you'll have to separate the drakes if you add ducks. And if you decide to go ahead get at least 2-3 ducks per drake because if you get one apiece the ducks will most likely get over mated and not fair well. Duck mating is rough to say the least.
I have them together in the barn now and they seem to be ok will they be ok over night together i dont want to overwhelm the girls.what happend was we got one male and he flew away .then we got another we found the one that flew away and put them together i think the one duck is protecting the females.but not too aggressive
I have ducks and one of them is a black tint green call duck. today I let them out with my chickens and everytime a chicken got near the ducks the black one would go at them. could this be a male?
I have ducks and one of them is a black tint green call duck. today I let them out with my chickens and everytime a chicken got near the ducks the black one would go at them. could this be a male?
How do you mean go at them? trying to mate or just trying to be dominant and running them off?
they are around 12 weeks

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