Mallard hen gone...

Smart girl picking a place with painful thorns. Just an FYI, be careful when visiting the nest as you don't know what predators may be watching you and realize there's a yummy duck in there.
Thats adorable and she is really camafloged[sp] and there is drinks on here.
what are your plans for her and ducklings when they hatch, she won't be able to keep them outside the fence they'll be et for sure.
My drake had a...weenie...issue a few months back. So I'm not sure if the eggs are fertile, I know he still matted w/his hens.
Only reason I'm not too excited...

I got no eggs from the other ducks today nor yesterday, are they done for the winter or...
Yea, it's one of those words in the english language that makes no

I'm guessing it will be too cold for them outside? I could bring the ducklings into the chicken coop or in the house for winter. Rather not, they are dirty little PIGS!
My muscovies are done for the winter, but other breeds may lay on I don't know.
I remember about your drake ,what did you end up doing for him?
Yea, it's one of those words in the english language that makes no

I'm guessing it will be too cold for them outside? I could bring the ducklings into the chicken coop or in the house for winter. Rather not, they are dirty little PIGS!

she will keep them warm, remember she is wearing down. they will be fine outside as long as she has a place to take them to.
I found some odd white/yellow stick or something poking out the side of his willie and I just pulled it out. Washed him off and left him alone. He was able to put it back in all the way after that. I'd have to chase him down tomorrow to see how he's doing, never really stressed him again over it.

They don't have a shelter for them all, just several plastic dog crates stuffed with hay. I was able to train the hens to lay in one of them and they never missed.

But still wanting to make something bigger for them all before it gets real nasty out.
Well I'm glad he's okay there was an OP who posted a while back that had to cut his ducks off because part of it had died, might be a good idea to have something ready for mama and babies so she can bring them home. yep it's going to get nasty fast.

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