Mallard with fracture femur.

Her normal vet won't be in till Sunday so we took her to a different vet clinic yesterday. Yesterday's vet told us not to let her play or to give her a bath for a couple of weeks. And no walking for 4 weeks.
Louie has no outside wounds. Her fracture is inside, the upper part of her femur. It's a pretty bad fracture from what the xrays show.
Ovulation and laying are often delayed after stress/injury. I would not be surprised if it takes a few day/s before she expells the current one fully formed. I would not set her in water as that would promote movement of the leg
If you are concerned about the egg you should consider an oral dose of calcium, which would also help with calcification over the fracture site.
Calcium Gluconate 23% found at any feed store will suffice, as would Calcium Citrate which can be found at most health stores.
Thank you so much. I'll see if I can find some to buy in the morning for her.
What is the recommended wait time to seek a vet if she doesn't lay the egg?
Thank you so much. I'll see if I can find some to buy in the morning for her.
What is the recommended wait time to seek a vet if she doesn't lay the egg?
I would let your vet know if she doesn't lay after a couple of days, or if you begin noticing signs such as heavy breathing, upright stance, vent pulsing, abnormal stools, increased water intake, etc.
Hey I have a question about the Calcium Gluconate. I could only find it as an injectable. Would that still be okay to give orally? And if so, about how much should I put on her food? Thank you.
Unfortunately no luck with the calcium so far. Called her vet and she just went into surgery and won't be seeing anyone else today. Was also informed there won't be another exotic vet in for a week in a half.
It's been 4 days now since Louie has been egg bound. She's not really eating or using the bathroom. I'm at a lost on what else to do for her. Any suggestions?
I'd keep giving her 1ml of calcium gluconate. Do it twice a day and yes, the injectable is fine to give orally. I agree with Isaac that the trauma of the leg injury has probably thrown off her egg schedule.

If it were my duck I think I'd also give her a warm bath. If you have a utility sink that would be perfect. That way you could hold her still in the warm bath and let her sit in it for awhile yet she wouldn't be able to move around much with you holding her. Don't think I'd use Epsom salt though. You don't need another problem!

Can you grease up your fingers with a little KY jelly and see if you can feel the egg? You'll need an extra hand to do that most likely.
Thank you everyone. We gave her 1ml of the calcium gluconate yesterday and pour some over her treats too. She didn't eat much of the treats tho.
It's not a utility sink but our kitchen sink is large enough to lay her down in easily. I'll wait until my husband gets home so he can help me check for the egg. Since we already know she has an egg, what should we be checking for exactly? Just to make sure it hadn't broke? Sorry for the 100 questions. And I appreciate all the help.

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