mallord duck owners

I have one male in my group, he is about a year more or less ( he was a rescue )
Im not really sure what you want to know, but my boy is sweet when he feels like it. He can be a brat when it comes to his girls but what male isnt? I know that the temperament is different per duck, but my boy is pretty good. If you handle them enough just like with any other duck, they can be friendly and safe to hold with out scratches running down your arms and legs








I can upload more if you need them.
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I bought 1 male and 1 female last year. I got them at about 2 weeks old. They weren't as tame as my rouens but they didn't run away either. They discovered a wild flock of mallards once they were adults and could fly and took off with them this past winter.
I have six mallards. They are funny and friendly and prefer to sleep together in a baby pool in my garage rather than in their nice cozy pen/house. I spoil them, and they love me (the lettuce lady) for it.

I'm always curious of the mallard threads. The males look just slightly different than our wild ones.

I have a lovely pair that hang out in our front lawn/creek area, and many migratory ducks come and go.

Are there different colours of mallards being bred? Is it a concern to wild flocks then? (kinda like our salmon/fish farms and the wild stock).
The answer to your 2 questions are yes and yes. Even wild mallards will vary slightly from flock to flock. An expert can usually tell which major flyway a duck came from. If the domestic came from the Eastern Flyway and excapes to the Central flyway it is going to mess things up.~gd
Thank you all so much for responding. We got ours from TSC and they were "day olds" So there about 2 weeks now! Im worried because they seem so skiddish of us. Will that pass the more time they are around people? Now the males are the prety ones with the ring around there neck, and the females are the brown colored? Thanks everyone for the pictures..I love looking a them.

Yesterday I put water in the bathtub and they LOVED it. (so didnt my 19 month old that thought she could join them and jumped in..)

I dont want them to fly away, should I clip there wings at a certain age?
Mine can fly, but the haven't left home. The flying is good in case of predators. My German Shepherd will give them a chase but their always safe when they take to the air. I never wing clip. At night, they line up to jump into their baby pool or into the outdoor run.
Try soft peas in the tub. They will dive for them. Fun to watch.

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