Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

I have 16 three week olds with a 12x24 set at 4, they barely fit under there...some 'leak' out the edges.
Am kind of surprised they are still underneath instead on top at night, they often lounge on top during the day, but they are in the coop with nights in the 40F's.
Downside to MHP over a lamp is the available space under there.

If they don't seem distressed and are not piling on top of each other, they are probably fine.

Make them a 'huddle box', put it in the brooder after turning off the heat(you might have to 'persuade' them to use it) then move it out to the coop with them.
Cardboard box with a bottom a little bigger than what they need to cuddle next to each other without piling and tall enough for them to stand in.
Cut an opening on one side a couple inches from bottom and big enough for 2-3 of them to go thru at once.
Fill the bottom with some pine shavings an inch or so deep.
This will give them a cozy place to sleep/rest, block any drafts and help hold their body heat in.
Thank you, again! I'm glad to know you have more than me in the same space! And yes, no distress. They all seem very happy! I'm going to assume that they are simply warm enough right now and don't feel like they need it as much as I thought they would, and when they get outside in the coop, they'll go back under when they are cold
I hope to get it finished today or tomorrow so they can move on out!
Quote: Lazy!

Well, Sh!t......lost one of the 6 purchased pullet chicks.

Got it's head stuck and in run wire and side of head and an eye(gone) was pretty scraped up but think it's all self inflicted rather than a predator. Adults were sounding off louder than usual and outside-unusual, decided after about 10 minutes I better check it out. Adults were all crammed under coop but broke up when I appeared...and maybe scared off predator? Might never know if it was a predator or just dumb bad luck. All the chicks have been trying to stick their heads thru the combo chicken wire and 2x4 fencing, some of their combs are banged up. Guess I better replace the CW with 1/2 HC in there sooner rather than later.

First loss like that in 2-3 years. But still, Crap!

This is the day I brought them home at about a week old. I finally got around to uploading the pictures for you guys since my first post. I built them the box so they would have more room then in the plastic tub. With this set up I put the MHP cave in the smaller box so they have the large box to run around and then the smaller for sleeping. I also made it so I can close the top of the small box to trap the heat in better from the pad. I plan to build something larger here in a week or so, then they will stay in there until the coop is done and we will move them outside. I was going to have my DH build me an brooder outside but we decided we'll just keep them inside a bit longer while we build the coop and move them directly into that, less work. Plus this way I can socialize my chicks better during the day. So far most are curious but shy, except the white rock. That little girl is very friendly and brave, she hops in my hand and looks for me when I come in the room.

This is the day I brought them home at about a week old. I finally got around to uploading the pictures for you guys since my first post. I built them the box so they would have more room then in the plastic tub. With this set up I put the MHP cave in the smaller box so they have the large box to run around and then the smaller for sleeping. I also made it so I can close the top of the small box to trap the heat in better from the pad. I plan to build something larger here in a week or so, then they will stay in there until the coop is done and we will move them outside. I was going to have my DH build me an brooder outside but we decided we'll just keep them inside a bit longer while we build the coop and move them directly into that, less work. Plus this way I can socialize my chicks better during the day. So far most are curious but shy, except the white rock. That little girl is very friendly and brave, she hops in my hand and looks for me when I come in the room.

Ummmm...I'm not sure they got that memo.

Mine insist that they are Divas! They are completely SURE of it, and they are now demanding their own curtains in the coop! In fact, they want me to hire an Interior Decorator for them...complaining that their digs are too rustic! What next? Paint samples? IKEA?

And my Pomeranians are Fashion Accessories...
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Thank you for everyone who helped me out with the umbilical cord on my Columbian, it was good to hear that it was nothing to serious. I have been keeping an eye on it but nothing more the little chick seems to be doing very well so far.

Man now I want to add curtains to the list of things to add to the coop when we build just so my chicks don't feel left out.
Went home to check on the little one. She was under the MHP by herself. Still head down. Still lethargic. She does something really odd also. She scoots backwards with her head on the floor of the brooder. I think she's trying to back up to the others even though they aren't there. Bought Nutridrench and Corrid. Gave her some of both with a syringe. She has eaten. There was food in her crop anyway. I realize it's just a chicken and things happen but I sure would hate to loose her. Something ironic about buying $30 worth of meds for a chicken that I gave $3.25 for a week ago. Did Corrid in the waterer for the rest of the babies just to be safe. Can't believe that I'm this upset over a sick chicken.

Edit: Forgot to say that I'm pretty sure that I have never prayed for a chicken before today but I've checked that one off the bucket list now.
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