Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

I'm making my mhb this weekend, wish me luck! Chicks are coming next week
I'm making my mhb this weekend, wish me luck! Chicks are coming next week

Please make sure the wire framework for MHP is strong. I lost one guinea keet who got trapped underneath when the other 25 keets were on top of it. I have heard of at least one other case of this. In our case I bent the MHP to be a little more arched, and it could no longer collapse (I had flattened it out considerably because keets are so tiny, but I should have used the alternative of building up the floor underneath with hay or straw; in my defense with an unexpected hatching of 26 keets, I was trying to ensure as much area underneath as possible). It worked out, but, I still feel bad about the one sweetie I lost. fyi
Oh, they can still huddle on the floor, the MHP is just a habit, they'll be fine without it, but probably increase the roostime twittering for a couple days.

Well, they spent the night in the hay OUTSIDE the brooder their very first night, so this morning we removed the brooder but left MHP put up on bricks (I tied MHP to the bricks because it wanted to skitter away from them) because there just wasn't anything for them to hide behind. Tonight they bedded down with a group of them outside of MHP, but 3/4 of them underneath. Very clearly everyone got what they needed. I know they'd have been fine without it, but the size differential and the strength of their bodies varies considerably. I've had to handle them a couple of times for cleaning or rearranging the brooder interior, even though I try very hard not to upset them with that. Anyway, It was really good to see that the ones who still want it were able to use it. Gosh they are like finches or something, so wild.

Thank you all for the help!!! I'll post a photo, have to get one.
Heh, I had to handle my five guineas who have all their adult feathers in (moving them from an unsecure pen to one secured against predators) a few weeks ago and they beat the tar out of me! Great news for the pullets they're with in terms of protection, but I really hope this is the last time I need to handle them.
Please make sure the wire framework for MHP is strong. I lost one guinea keet who got trapped underneath when the other 25 keets were on top of it.  I have heard of at least one other case of this. In our case I bent the MHP to be a little more arched, and it could no longer collapse (I had flattened it out considerably because keets are so tiny, but I should have used the alternative of building up the floor underneath with hay or straw; in my defense with an unexpected hatching of 26 keets, I was trying to ensure as much area underneath as possible). It worked out, but, I still feel bad about the one sweetie I lost.  fyi

I will keep that in mind!
Quote: Oh, they can still huddle on the floor, the MHP is just a habit, they'll be fine without it, but probably increase the roostime twittering for a couple days.

Well, they spent the night in the hay OUTSIDE the brooder their very first night, so this morning we removed the brooder but left MHP put up on bricks (I tied MHP to the bricks because it wanted to skitter away from them) because there just wasn't anything for them to hide behind. Tonight they bedded down with a group of them outside of MHP, but 3/4 of them underneath. Very clearly everyone got what they needed. I know they'd have been fine without it, but the size differential and the strength of their bodies varies considerably. I've had to handle them a couple of times for cleaning or rearranging the brooder interior, even though I try very hard not to upset them with that. Anyway, It was really good to see that the ones who still want it were able to use it. Gosh they are like finches or something, so wild.

Thank you all for the help!!! I'll post a photo, have to get one.
Ah.... forgot this was guineas, never had them-hate the noise.
My chicks did the some under MHP and overflow just outside of it...think it was more first come, first served.....haha!
Heh, I had to handle my five guineas who have all their adult feathers in (moving them from an unsecure pen to one secured against predators) a few weeks ago and they beat the tar out of me! Great news for the pullets they're with in terms of protection, but I really hope this is the last time I need to handle them.

I use a net to catch and a cage for transport.... even used a pillow case for the bacon heads....

Well, I was trying to hold their wings down...they're just very strong and slippery! And they flip out just as much at night. Maybe more since they can't see you. Catching them wasn't a problem since they were in a 10x10' enclosure; holding onto them without breaking anything was the issue.

Hopefully no more handling. They herd quite nicely into the pen at night now that they're used to going to the new one. They younger guineas are only a double handful yet at 8 weeks old. Five are staying in the coop they are in now, four will move next door to the smaller coop, and the last five are moving in with the ducks. I think I'll work on moving the duck house ASAP so I can get them all situated.

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