Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

Quote: Thanks. I have an 'article' almost done about building hoop coop/tractor.... turned out pretty nice, best feature is foldable aprons.....
.....not sure why I haven't finished and posted it.
I didn't really need it at this point, and may build another for here anyway, will use it next year for meat birds or turkeys.
He's a pretty good buddy, has helped me do some heavy work around here, is a complete chicken newbie but good engineer, it's great field test situation, and I'll probably get one of those cockerels for my freezer.

That ratio is not pure hatch ratio..... 5 were purchased EE typical 50/50 for the hatched ones.
I'll still need to cull a bunch of older layers by fall, probably 8, may try to sell/trade some, will butcher the rest.
Am pretty much lamed out today with screaming joints, so whilst sitting on my *** resting the locomoters.....Article done and posted.
Joint pains? Don't get me started.....for those interested check out supplementing with MSM it's a mineral that we all need for collagen production as well as numerous other things. I started dosing with it a couple times a day along with absorbic acid (pure Vitamin C) been doing that about a month, chronic pain from neck surgeries and an arm surgery, anyway about a week ago I woke up in no pain. Pretty amazing stuff! Helps with inflammation and joint dysfunction. Anyway just wanted to share as my path to self healing has been ever evolving as I found out more and more about natural ways to heal ourselves. Google MSM and Vitamin C dosing, you will go through a period of detox, which is a good thing. You just want to start small and build up. Have a great day!
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Mine is mostly from torn ligaments and cartilage, some injuries happened as long as 45 years ago, as well as arthritis everywhere...have been down the med and supplement only use ice and ibuprofen once in a while on my down days.
So we opened up a side of the young cockerels run to allow them to intermingle with our flock and roo. Things have gone well. Rocco is protective of them now, tidbits for them but doesn't let them get too close to his girls. The girls are also pretty mercilious with them and chase them. The young cockerels have been put in their place for Englewood the grey one was attempting to mount hens at ten weeks. Everyone is minding their manners. They continue to roost in the run, while the flock is in the coop.



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Thought I lost a pullet(15wks) last night at head count....counted them all 3 times, looked all thru both runs.
Finally found her nestled in amongst the olders on the board under the roost....
.....she's a feisty one, leader of the juniors, only bird to approach me(tho I have handled her more, cause she's my fav), and has been hanging out with Woody.
Thought I lost a pullet(15wks) last night at head count....counted them all 3 times, looked all thru both runs.
Finally found her nestled in amongst the olders on the board under the roost....
.....she's a feisty one, leader of the juniors, only bird to approach me(tho I have handled her more, cause she's my fav), and has been hanging out with Woody.

Glad you found her and she was fine, probably made your heart race.....who is Woody (my chicken instincts say your Rooster?)
Quote: It was more puzzling than anything as my runs are pretty tight.
It was hot as h3ll yesterday, so I was kind of looking for a corpse.
Tho they are molting so lots of feathers around, which certainly gave me pause.
SHM and laughed when I found she pulled that off, I don't know, will be interesting to see where she roosts tonite.
Yep, Woody the Welsummer........
It was more puzzling than anything as my runs are pretty tight.
It was hot as h3ll yesterday, so I was kind of looking for a corpse.
Tho they are molting so lots of feathers around, which certainly gave me pause.
SHM and laughed when I found she pulled that off, I don't know, will be interesting to see where she roosts tonite.
Yep, Woody the Welsummer........

That is a beautiful rooster.

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