Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

A little update to the meaties and layers together:


I added an extra MHP a bit higher for the meaties, it's bungee corded onto the bottom of a cookie sheet with press n seal on top of it (they don't slip). The towel between the MHP and the cookie sheet is completely covered on both sides and all edges with press n seal. It is just there to protect the top surface of the pad from poop because they love sitting up high and pooping on the pad below. It is very redneck and not so glamorous but they are happy under there and most of the chicks sleep under there now. It was warm last night (52) so I left them at heat setting 3 and they were all happy. During the day they are on 3 as well. Cold nights they can go up to setting 6 if the temps drop to freezing but as they feather out I won't go that high for much longer. Most nights will be warmer now.

They sleep all night long after the light goes off, and I make sure they are tucked in for the night because some still get lost, lol! In the morning when I turn the light on then it is a feeding and drinking frenzy!
A little update to the meaties and layers together:

I added an extra MHP a bit higher for the meaties, it's bungee corded onto the bottom of a cookie sheet with press n seal on top of it (they don't slip). The towel between the MHP and the cookie sheet is completely covered on both sides and all edges with press n seal. It is just there to protect the top surface of the pad from poop because they love sitting up high and pooping on the pad below. It is very redneck and not so glamorous but they are happy under there and most of the chicks sleep under there now. It was warm last night (52) so I left them at heat setting 3 and they were all happy. During the day they are on 3 as well. Cold nights they can go up to setting 6 if the temps drop to freezing but as they feather out I won't go that high for much longer. Most nights will be warmer now.

They sleep all night long after the light goes off, and I make sure they are tucked in for the night because some still get lost, lol! In the morning when I turn the light on then it is a feeding and drinking frenzy!
If you move that brooder to where it can get some natural light, you won't need that lamp in there. And they will be on a more natural day/night cycle. Even a normal bulb can put out too much extra heat.

Ok. I'm almost done with my ginormous brooder! Lol. I want to use a MHP and I'll likely divide their 6' space until they're in ugly teenager phase. My questions about MHP are:

1. What kind of material do I use to make a frame? My hardware cloth seems a bit too flimsy.

2. I have a sunbeam hp in my Amazon cart that is a king size, doesn't have an auto shut off and seems like the right thing, but I've seen other posts here where there's a digital number setting versus Low/Med/High.

Should I pick one with a more specific heat setting?

Ok. I'm almost done with my ginormous brooder! Lol. I want to use a MHP and I'll likely divide their 6' space until they're in ugly teenager phase. My questions about MHP are:

1. What kind of material do I use to make a frame? My hardware cloth seems a bit too flimsy.

2. I have a sunbeam hp in my Amazon cart that is a king size, doesn't have an auto shut off and seems like the right thing, but I've seen other posts here where there's a digital number setting versus Low/Med/High.

Should I pick one with a more specific heat setting?
You may want to make a top for it so they can't fly out. I like a piece of welded wired fencing for the frame. I have a basic Sunbeam with just Low/Med/High and it works fine.
The slide switch model is the one I'm using, too. No problems! And I second having a cover. Unless you're raising cornish x broilers, the chicks will fly out.

I used a broken tomato cage for my frame. I saw a ton of random stuff at Goodwill that could have been repurposed. File frames and record organization racks and mini fridge shelves... Whatever works, right?
The slide switch model is the one I'm using, too. No problems! And I second having a cover. Unless you're raising cornish x broilers, the chicks will fly out.

I used a broken tomato cage for my frame. I saw a ton of random stuff at Goodwill that could have been repurposed. File frames and record organization racks and mini fridge shelves... Whatever works, right?

Absolutely going to make a lid. Just haven't finished quite yet. :)

The broken tomato cage is genius. I have that handy!! Thank you for the ideas!
I'll likely divide their 6' space until they're in ugly teenager phase.
Nah, don't do that. Mine are in a 3.5'x7' brooder after spending the first 3 days in a 3.x3.5 box. The first day in the big brooder I did cut it off at about halfway to get them oriented to the space, but then I opened all up and they're loving it; at 1 week old. They have plenty of space to actually spread their wings and they're flitting back and forth.

It also gives them lots of room to chase each other around when I throw in some mealworms or red wiggler worms. It's great stuff, and hilarious to watch.

So I say give them all that room just as soon as possible.

Ok. I'm almost done with my ginormous brooder! Lol. I want to use a MHP and I'll likely divide their 6' space until they're in ugly teenager phase. My questions about MHP are:

1. What kind of material do I use to make a frame? My hardware cloth seems a bit too flimsy.

2. I have a sunbeam hp in my Amazon cart that is a king size, doesn't have an auto shut off and seems like the right thing, but I've seen other posts here where there's a digital number setting versus Low/Med/High.

Should I pick one with a more specific heat setting?

Welded wire works great as junebuggena states. I have the Sunbeam 732-500 with 3 settings, main thing no auto shut off. Agree with Nathan J about not sectioning it off, depending on how many you're getting they'll love the space once they learn their way around. Could start offf with their feed/water in the center, they'll venture to explore once they're settled in. I started off on Med although did try High which got way too warm. When they got older & feathered more lower to Low at nights & off during the day but then I don't have the severe cold you all have (Hawaii).

Have fun!
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