Mama Serama's First Crow!!!


Showers of Blessings
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Clark CO. IL 25 Chicken Years
Okay, obviously we will have to change her (I mean his) name!

I was gathering eggs a few minutes ago and I kept hearing a strange squeaking sound.... kind of like an old bed spring.

It always happened in twos, maybe like "squeeeek-squeak"

So I stood there looking in the Serama pen and saw the noise come from Mama Serama!! Too funny!

He (gotta get used to that) is 7 weeks old. We got HIM as a 3 week old chick. They were convinced he was a she.... As this is my first time having Seramas I took their word for it. I have 5 more little Seramas that are 5 weeks old and I hope a couple are pullets!

Just wanted to share. Hope something wonderful and surprising happens to you today, too!!!
Ive got about 40 Seramas in the brooders right now with the 5-week-olds the oldest. I thought I heard a teeny crow but couldnt figure out who did it. I have noticed that when breeding and raising my Serama that (Usually) the males get the bigger combs by the 4th week. The pullets have almost no comb, but then again I have some that grow a comb and then it stops growing.. SO who knows, lol!
Good luck with them!
I also get what seems like 75% males!
It looks like he is stuck with Mama..... threre may be gender issues for him in the future

Bluegrass, I bought one 3 week old Serama and five 1 week old Seramas. I am now guessing I have 4 roos and 2 pullets. So I am not far behind your 75%.

How far are you from Lexington INDIANA? I have family there. Maybe we can do business in the future?
You made me think of my brood last year!!! I had this amazing fluffy Ameraucana hen, she was beautiful until one day SHE crowed.
DH (aka city boy) could tell how much denial I was in!

So, never feel your alone in the secret society of the ever hiding cockerel...natures way of insuring reproduction
Been telling DD that her barnyard mix EE was a male for two months and she stayed in denial until she came home from college last weekend and actually heard him crow. Then to follow she says, "so, hens can crow too." Still in denial but agreed to give HIM up.

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