Mama's Flying Penguins and Ramblings

Alright! Lockdown day has arrived for the first hatch! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy

i have a second hatch due about 7 days later. I was able to get a second incubator so if I can get the temp just right I'll move first hatch over so i can still turn the other hatch.

First hatch from our own flock!! :clap:jumpy
We have a Brahma x RIR, 2 Brahma x Olive Egger, and just Brahma eggs for this one!

Second hatch is 2 brahmas, 2 Brahma x Lakeshore Eggers, and one Brahma x OE.
Such fun mixes!!
our newest fluffs!!
They're 3 days old... one more is due to hatch tomorrow hopefully!

that might be it for a bit but we shall see! Working on run for laying flock right now while it's a bit warm.
Look who finally hatched! Egg number 3! I almost gave up on it but it hatched last night! It's so light!!! It's another baby from OE egg.

i got a new feather duster and put it in by the light circle and they are enjoying it, the other two only had a moment of dislike and then started showing it to eat and drink. :ya:yesss::jumpy
:gig I keep forgetting that I have this thread too :lau

they're doing great! They're out in a brooder with the big girls now, Toasted and his favorite girls sit on top and make a mess :rant
From R to L (Frosting, Swirl, and Pannini)

im hoping to get better photos of them and the flock this week. It's been raining here a lot so everyone and thing is looking gross. :barnie

Pepper and Hersey have both been starting to take interest in the nesting boxes so :fl they might be laying soon :ya Cajun is almost fluffed again so hopefully she'll be out of moult soon.
I guess I can try and revive this thread, not sure. LOL!

Pepper and Hershey both lay now, Cajun is laying again, The first hatchlings we had are or have gone to new homes and the second batch is here! We got a bunch of new breeds that will be integrated in soon.

We've also had a lot of loss, due to predators, weather, and such. It's been a heart breaking year so far but we are trying to look on the bright side. With depression and anxiety it's been hard to get out of the negativity but every time i spend time with these guys it helps to even me out again.

Anyways... antics! My barred rocks are escape artists to the T! They are out greetin us every morning and i just end up staring at them and laughing, crazy girls! They also hate all roosters.... and will literally jump on the rooster if he tries. It's hilarious!

It doesn't matter where I'm at but if I have shredded carrots in my hand and call they are there before I can finish opening the bag.

Paninni who is still here with Swirl for one more day is super funny, he wants the girls but they are fast so he tries a running jump and will miss 75% of the time. i can't help but laugh at him. :gig

Everyone is pretty happy being chickens!

We did loose Toasted the other day to a predator, so we're trying to do a hatch of pure brahmas, if that doesn't work i just found a person here in DFW area that has some blue partridge eggs, so might look into that if this doesn't work out. and if egg selling starts going down again i might just rehome all to just brahmas, and they'll just be my girls. We'll see.

Anyways, that's what's up here, and I'll attach a few pictures.

IMG_20200515_084030484~2.jpg IMG_20200514_090233052 (2).jpg IMG_20200511_152546309.jpg IMG_20200511_152645880.jpg IMG_20200511_152651482.jpg IMG_20200511_070525409.jpg IMG_20200511_070530875.jpg IMG_20200513_142849384.jpg Toasted.jpg

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