Managing my flock: Rooster choice


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 16, 2007
Hi there!

I have a small flock (so far) of 9 hens that are a year old in April/May: 4 RIR, 2 Comets, 1 Buff Orpington and 2 Americaunas.

In searching Craigslist for a rooster, I have narrowed it down to 2 choices:

a 2 year old black Sumatra who's lost his place as top rooster and needs a new home; or

a 1 year old (in June) standard blue Cochin (because she has 4 blue cochin roos as a result of ordering a straight run).

Both birds are friendly. The Sumatra is kind of beat up, which makes me feel sorry for him, and needs to regrow some feathers.

Any help with what would be the best choice for my flock would be so appreciated! I'm hoping to get a rooster who is not aggressive but will do a good job looking out for his hens & will be up to the task of fertilizing everyone. ;)


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That's what I was thinking, but thought there might be opinions based on age (one rooster is 2 years, while the other is 1) and breed in general. I don't have experience with either breed. Also the older one is more tattered/beat up, but am thinking his feathers will grow back in?

Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely be going with one of them. The older guy is free; the other is $5.

I just wasn't sure if Cochin's sometimes had difficulty breeding w/all the extra fluff in the way...or if roosters became less effective with age, etc.
LF Cochins take a while to mature (around 18-24 months), so at one year old that guy is still a young buck. I've had quite a few LF Cochin boys, and they are FANTASTIC roosters, gentle giants. Mine had no problems breeding, even with their fluff and the girls in the way. If the Sumatra is 2, you may have some fertility issues crop up in the near future (if you even want chicks), loosing a dominance battle may make him a little testy as well. His ratty feathers would be a concern for me, if you choose him check his home over real well. Make sure its clean and fresh water and food is available. Neglect can cause bad feather condition (his home may be the cleanest ever, but check). Pests can also cause bad feather condition, check him very well for mites and lice. Check them both! Good luck with your rooster search!
What are you wanting to hatch chicks for? If it's for replacement layers and/or meat, honestly neither one of those birds will be a great choice. Neither breed are stellar layers, sumatras are pretty small for eating and cochins take a long to mature and eat too much for the return on meat. If you really want good laying offspring you might want to wait.

If you're set on one of these guys, I'd personally go for the cochin. They're gentle overall, tend to be broody as a breed, and IMO you can't hardly beat them for sheer eye candy!
As others have said, it depends on what you want to do.

If you're planning to raise chicks, then it comes down to what you currently have in your flock and what outcome you would like.

If you're planning to just add/enjoy a roo (which is pretty much what we did), then head to the threads for each of the breeds you're looking into and do some research on them and decide who would fit best into your current flock.

Whichever you choose, look them BOTH over carefully for lice, mites, fleas and evidence of external pests (especially flip them upside down and wade through the fluff around their vents as it's the most likely place to find the buggers) and around the combs and wattles. If all clear and you committ, then it's into a quarantine pen for at least 2 weeks (4 is better), during which time you should take a fecal sample to a vet (any dog/cat vet can do this and it's not expensive) and have it tested for internal parasites, so you can treat effectively (if needed) and BEFORE introducing it to your existing flock. Feed/water and watch for any other signs of illness or issue until the quarantine is over and then begin your integration.

It can be a heck of a trip (depending on the chicken personalities you're dealing with), but it's worth it.
My family has a nice Americana cockeral needing ahome. They live in Gray maine..I purchased him in a straight run from McMurrys last year. If interested let me know..he has been loved by children and well cared for.
Thanks so much everyone...great information!!!

I know that Cochins are not stellar layers, but I thought that I might get lucky since the chicks would be half "stellar layer". I am hoping to hatch my own chicks out from this guy.
Also, I do want the eye candy! It's been fun looking at roosters!

Humphrey farms, You got a picture of him? Age?
Cochins aren't known to be great layers, but mine were laying machines! They came from a hatchery though, so that probably had something to do with it.

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