mange-like symptoms on dog


11 Years
May 23, 2008
I have a small breed dog with what looks like a flea allergy gone crazy!! We treat all our dogs with frontline plus and this is the first year ever one has gotten mange-like problems.
the vet says it's a type of sab. mange and gave me some special soap to bath him on.
So far it's been a week and the spots keep coming and the scratching is just tormenting the poor little guy.
Any suggestions??
What do you mean by sab. mange?

ETA: Did the vet do a skin scrape. If so, they would know for sure that it's mange. If not, it could be a staph infection from him scratching.
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U should post pics, what breed is the dog? Some dogs are more prone to skin problems than others, we took our dog in for possible mange and it ended up just being a skin thing, something normal. He's a pit, and I guess his breed is more prone to skin stuff than others.
did your vet do a skin scrap?

It's most likely Scabies aka sarcopitic mites. If you do a search online you should be able to find tons of info.

In the meantime, you can give your dog benadryl. It will NOT treat the mites, but will help with itching. Give the normal "allergy" pill, not the kind mixed with pain relievers or anything else. Don't give the liquid kind. Give two-three times a day. The dosage is one 25 mg tablet per 25 pounds. If your dog only weighs something like 10-15 lbs, cut one in half.
If it's scabies watch's contagious to people! While it won't really hurt you it's a pain to get rid of, especially if it's in the house!
"sarcopitic mites" yup, thats what she called them/it..with mange-like symptoms.
I'll check out the Web for more info. and thanks for the benydryl advice.
I am currently treating a puppy with this regimen. I don't use all of them just the ones that is most beneficial. His hair is coming back in and there is no more bloody sores.
I first noticed there was problem when he started losing hair around his eyes and a few places around his mouth. I knew what it was because I had researched the information for my Mom. She took her dog to vet and everything and it did no good.

I also have a chihuahua/jack russell mix with flea allergies and I started earlier this summer with daily supplements with him and he doesn't have any more problems.
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werblessed, demodex mange is different than Scabies. Mild Demodex is actually common in puppies and nothing to be concerned about. All dogs naturally have demodex living on them, we only see symptoms when the mite population becomes too large. Puppies and dogs with comprised immune systems frequently develop symptoms. It is only when demodex becomes generalized (whole body), instead of localized, that we have to worry about it.

erthymom, it can be hard to get rid of Scabies so make sure you do the medication your vet gave you regliously and don't get lazy with it. Scabies can be passed to humans and other pets like Kelly said.

The big difference between Demodex and Scabies is location of hair loss on body and Scabies is very, very itchy, while demodex is mildy itchy.
It's okay, people confuse them the time. But its important that they are distinguished because they are so different in the way they affect the animal. I'm a registered vet tech and talk to people about this all the time
There's actually no reason to treat localized demodex, (which is why you thought going to the vet did no good...). I worked with a vet one time who said, "the medication (for demodex) is really for the owner's state of mind, not for the animal." Most owners want to feel like they are actively helping the animal get better, whether they realize or not. Most people hate it when they go to the vet, and the Doc says, "take Fluffy home, he'll get better on his own."

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