Manna Pro Hatch-A-Long! - First Sponsor Participated Hatch-A-Long – Set on 4/22

Today is Day 20 with 1 day to go here. No pips yet but all 7 eggs that made it to lockdown looked good when I candled them so hoping for a good hatch. All the way up to Day 14 candling, 3 of them had previously had saddle air cells. When I candled at lockdown all of the air cells looked normal. Has anyone ever heard of a complete saddle air cell repairing itself after Day 14? All 3 of mine that were saddle appear to have done this.
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We set about 14 eggs yesterday(22nd). BLRW Roo & BLRW, BW, Americana, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, RIR hens. Should be a PRETTY mix :)
5-15-13 ~~TWO BABIES HATCHED SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My broody crushed 2 chicks in their shell and both died. She's a first time broody and doesn't know what to do. Today is hatch day for her other eggs, and so far, nothing.
So far I have not had any hatch. I thought I heard some faint cheeping the other day and the neighbor kid asked me this morning if they made noise, he heard something so I still have hope that my eggs are just slow due to low temps. Broody is due to hatch hers today and when I candled them a few days ago, they looked really good and I even saw a little foot wiggling around in there.

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