Marans eggs on ebay....

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well, I got a reply. In the interest of fairness, my email to her read:
Wanted to let you know my eggs arrived today. The box had no exterior damage and no signs of rough handling but inside I had one completely smashed egg and another that has quite a lot of cracking and a shiny stickiness to it. While I can appreciate that you are not responsible for how the PO handles the eggs I also am not at all impressed with the color of the eggs. I do not feel the color of your eggs is representative of your ad, even the picture taken 9/9/09. I am well aware that Marans eggs lighten up over the course of their cycle but these are not even a 4 on the scale and no where near what I would expect from the VP of the MOAC, especially someone with photo credits of eggs ranking an 8 on the scale. It is quite a swing for your hens to go from an 8 to less then 4 over a cycle. I would like to give you a chance to respond before leaving any feedback.
thank you

her reply:
"I'm sorry that you are unhappy with the color of the eggs, but I assure you that they are from the same hens that laid the eggs pictured in my ad, it's the only hens that I have. I try and pack them with care, but I can't help what happens between my house and yours. The ones that lays the eights have quit laying except for the one, it's probably the darkest egg you have, but the other hens lay around 6-7, which is still good for marans. Hens that lay the 6-7 are breed with rooster that are hatched from darker eggs, so that the off springs will produce darker eggs. Just because the egg shell is light, does not mean your chick will lay light colored eggs. Some of the darkest eggs hatched, those chicks can lay even lighter than they're shell they came from. Mine are breed to be dark layers, even if the shell color is light right now. All the eggs have the same DNA goal inside, and that for dark layers. I can't replace any eggs right now because they are going to be stopping any day. As a single mom, I depend on the income for living expenses. I hate it too that my dark layers have stopped laying, but there's nothing I can do about that, that's nature. These are what I have left and I clearly state in my listing that they are lighter. I would sincerely hope that you would not leave me negative feedback, as it is impossible to regain 100% again. Hens cannot produce dark eggs every single day of the year. But you are still getting high quality chicks, that will lay darker that their shell color. I've had several people try to get me to resend eggs to them, even though they were dark. I feel it's a shame that people would judge a chick by the color of the shell. I don't think they fully understand what that little chick is capable of. Shipped eggs are a high risk. And as far as the cheap shot about being a VP..I will admit I'm still learning, but atleast I'm trying to help the breed and get it approved by the APA. Thanks for shooting down the one thing I could be proud of"

seriously? SERIOUSLY?!? wow. buyer beware. learned MY lesson. I'm sticking to BYC from now on.
I bought a dozen from bargain (day 13 today) that look SO much better. also really wanting some from wynette now after seeing her website pics.
Just a note, so that nobody gets confused --

The MOAC is **not** helping to get Marans recognized by the APA. The **only** club that is working to gain APA recognition is the Marans Chicken Club USA.
Wow....what an awful seller. Good job on getting her awful tactics out. That is unfair to anyone who is purchasing eggs from her.

I'm sorry, but showing photos of one color of eggs and then sending eggs that are nowhere near that color is just ridiculous to me.

I'm sorry that you were taken.
I would pm her back and ask her what you are supposed to do with the eggs? It seems most people on here that have marans won't even try to hatch eggs that color, so you're supposed to hatch them, then wait 6 months until they start laying? Just to see if they will lay very dark eggs? I'm glad I didn't buy them, and I'm sorry that you did.

Buyer beware on BYC too though, not everyone is as honest as most are
I just noticed something --


But in her response to you, she said:

She is contradicting herself.
I would hope you follow thru with leaving negative feedback on the broken eggs and the poor color of the eggs. As far as her ploy for sympathy for being a single mom.....being a single mom doesn't give her the right to decieve buyers.

My Marans (cuckoos and wheatens) have never lightened that much in a laying cycle and she either darkened her photos or the eggs she sent you are not from the same hens.

I joined the MOAC club when it formed because I wanted to follow the "drama" that the people who formed it seemed to ignite. I very rarely even go to that site anymore. Now I have another reason not to.
Wow. That gives me lots to think about if I ever decide to sell eggs from my Marans.
BTW, I think your email, 6littlechickies, was very courteous and tactful and undeserving of the "rowr" you received back. I hope, for your sake, that the eggs hatch into nice chicks.

edited to add: the hens could have stopped laying since she mailed the eggs, but highly unlikely...
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Wow again. Not exactly the reply I was expecting. In my mind I was picturing a lot worse.

I would probably still leave her negative feedback. With the eggs being individually wrapped I don't see how the cracked egg got fluid from the crushed egg on it. I think the cracked egg was probably super-glued.

And the color no matter how far into the laying cycle should not be that light. As Krys pointed out earlier, if a hen lays anything lighter than a 4 on the French Marans Egg Color Chart then she is not considered a Marans. (Of course one or two eggs isn't going to disqualify one, but consecutively all the time will). So regardless of what they might be laying at the beginning of the cycle what they are laying now would show that they aren't technically Marans. And I don't think those eggs pictured came from the hens that layed the eggs you received. If they were then the original photograph has been "enhanced'.

Also she keeps harping about the DNA. Well if it acts like a duck and looks like a duck it is probably a duck. On the off chance that those eggs pictured and your eggs come from the same hens you wouldn't want to hatch them simply because of how much the egg lightens. You have seen several people here saying their birds eggs don't lighten that much. So why hatch and breed someone's eggs/birds who do? Kind of defeats the purpose. If you hatch out any pullets from that line, you could expect their egg color to lighten dramatically over the laying season.

And I love that she assures you that you are getting high quality chicks. You got eggs. Shipped eggs that may not even hatch. With one already broken and another cracked you may not get anything to hatch at all if you do decide to set them.

And I agree with Katy. She is contradicting herself. To say that the eggs you are getting came from the hens that layed the eggs in the original picture wasn't true because she said they stopped laying. The hens laying lighter eggs may be genetically close (sisters, daughters, etc) but they aren't the same birds. So she is falsely representing her eggs in my humble and honest opinion.
I really get tired of hearing people say they have no control over the eggs once the post office gets them. How about packing them better? In my opinion, the packaging was very poor. I've shipped over 800 eggs and have never had one arrive broken or cracked. I expect I never will unless a very odd thing happens - like it gets run over by a truck. Proper packaging prevents breakage and her's wasn't good. And because she's a single mom and needs the money, you're supposed to put up with a misleading auction and and poor service?
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