MARANS - proposed standards - - FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES

If he has yellow legs, there is crossbred blood in him somewhere. Marans of any color never have yellow legs. I know Alvin was eb/e+ because when he was a chick, he had a brown helmet. true e+/e+ chicks have a sharply defined stripe of darker down which goes down the middle of the back up the nape of the neck and over the top of the skull.
eb brown has a plain brown helmet.
Actually, the Golden Salmon Marans is just another name for Black Breasted Red.
Karen in western PA, USA

Is this a ~~Golden Salmon Marans
Is he Golden Salmon?

It depends on what he sires. I would find a Golden Salmon hen and breed him to her. GS is a completely recessive palette. There are no hypostatic genes. Any other gene than s+/s+ s+/s- on the e+ locus corrupts Golden Salmon and this should show up in his daughters. If he sires true Golden Salmon daughters when bred to a GS hen, then, yes, he is GS. Need to make sure the hen is a pure-breeding GS, not carrying any modifying colors which would skew the results. As a completely recessive color palette, the shank and feet should be white with a rose cast to them. If they are any other color, there is a foreign color variety in there somewhere no matter what else the bird looks like.
Has anyone else noticed that neither the quoted standard at the beginning of this thread nor the Marans of America site state the color of shanks for BCM? I have learned they are slate with pink undertones and pink soles. It would be appreciated if whomever reviews the standards from time to time were to include that information.
Has anyone else noticed that neither the quoted standard at the beginning of this thread nor the Marans of America site state the color of shanks for BCM? I have learned they are slate with pink undertones and pink soles. It would be appreciated if whomever reviews the standards from time to time were to include that information.
The accepted color standard for the Black copper variety is here.


There are probably still version of other standards still floating the cyberspace but the Marans Chicken Club USA are the keepers of the breed standard so I would refer to that website until the next version of the APA standards Book comes out.

Note: The Marans of American Club do NOT follow the APA standard.

When that club was started they were breeding to the French standard because there was not a APA recognized standard. The Marans Chicken Club USA (a separate club under different leadership) is the club that has been promoting the breed in the USA and doing the work for APA recognitions. The Marans Club of American is about 5 years behind everyone else. They seem to have some distain for the APA standard since it didn't come from them.

*Edited to add note*

Note: I follow both Marans Clubs as well as the HPBAA. It is almost like every bloodline of Marans has to form a new club. Crazy...LOL
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This explains this very well and I appreciate you taking the time to set things straight and in rapid turn around :) ! This is what I had learned through conversations over the last couple years [regarding color] but to not have found it on the thread or in that site made me scratch my head a bit. I will now make sure I head to Marans Chicken Club USA site when wanting to consult the standard but is someone able to edit the beginning of this thread to include the information there as well??
Would they be DQ if there was any white feathering. I have three from two different breeders and all gave a single white feather on wing
My understanding is that the in the APA general defects any solid color variety in any breed is allowed to have positive white on one feather that is up to one inch long, but that white on more than one feather or white that is more than an inch long would be a DQ.
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I just found this thread, I love it! I love the faults photos, keep them posting! I've actually never seen some of these faults in my stock, I've heard about others talking about strange appearances and problems, but it make a big difference when you can see them first hand. The crooked toe, I've seen numerous times on numerous breeds...

Thank you for starting this thread!
I brought this thread to the Front since there appears to be several new Marans people on the forum. This lists DQs and faults and shows pictures of a lot. Enjoy, Don
I brought this thread to the Front since there appears to be several new Marans people on the forum. This lists DQs and faults and shows pictures of a lot. Enjoy, Don

I brought this thread to the Front since there appears to be several new Marans people on the forum. This lists DQs and faults and shows pictures of a lot. Enjoy, Don

Just briging this back up front for all to see. Don

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