Marans - SOP discussion thread

I'd love to get this thread going again - for those of us seriously breeding...anyone care to go through conformation points on Marans & discuss?
I'd love to get this thread going again - for those of us seriously breeding...anyone care to go through conformation points on Marans & discuss?
I would love to! Especially as I'm trying to pair up birds now, tho some things are still waiting on finishing some new pens. sigh, yes those ones that were *supposed* to be finished last spring.....
I would love to! Especially as I'm trying to pair up birds now, tho some things are still waiting on finishing some new pens. sigh, yes those ones that were *supposed* to be finished last spring.....
I hear you! We built a new barn 3 years ago, and just finished (well not completely done yet!) the inside pens. I'm sacrificing going to the Ohio Nationals to finish the outdoor runs this weekend!

Alright, maryhysong - want to start? Have you narrowed down your cockerels/cock birds that you plan to use yet? If so, let's begin with some pics, and we can discuss his strengths/weaknesses, and what conformation in females would work best with him!
wynette could you post some pics of the defects you have. I know you have been busy. it would be nice to SEE some of the things we need to cull for. ....for the visual learners like me.
wynette could you post some pics of the defects you have. I know you have been busy. it would be nice to SEE some of the things we need to cull for. ....for the visual learners like me.
Sure thing; I'm headed out for a meeting, but will post some pics this afternoon. We don't actually have to use Marans, either - type is type, regardless of which breed you are discussing. More later!
OK Wynette, tho you have seen these boys before

TX with the ginormous comb, big tail and ski slope back; he has a brother with a nicer tail and a little better back, but he is way too dark; no copper on the back at all. I don't know why I have kept him, except that in spite of him being too dark I actually like him better.

blue#49 still I think too big a comb, but nicer tail, has a halo but better leg feathering, a more level back and much more compact body. Also has better leg feathering. Does not usually hold his wing this low.

I have girls from the same breeder as TX. But no girls related to #49. I also have some girls from another person, not related to either boy. All their brothers went to freezer camp for having way too much color and other issues. I have a couple or three girls laying now, but only one I know for sure which egg is hers. Right now #49 is penned with orange #69. She got an orange band because she lost her original ziptie and I am not positive which group of girls she belongs to.

orange#69s egg, generally lays about a #4 on the shade card.

She is VERY hard to get a pic of; looking through my albums these are the best I've got at the moment!
Her butt; she is a little pinched in the tail. The brown tinge could be she's molting and these are her old feathers coming out/faded from sun or the camera or she really could have a brown tinge; I will have to take a good look when I'm in the coops this weekend.

her top

Her head. Not the prettiest face in the world, no copper to speak of. she does have decent leg feathering.

orange 69 is not the only girl I have to work with, but was the first one I could pinpoint her egg. I have three eggs from her & #49 due the 18th and just set 6 more, due the 28th. As soon as I can switch birds around I want to breed #49 to another girl, just trying to decide whose next. I set these eggs not because this was the best pairing to start with, but mostly so I could start getting some chicks on the ground to start working with. Right now I'm planning small batches from different pairings, to see what I get. I figure I will then repeat what looks like the best pairings and hatch out more. And eat a lot of chicken.
Maryhysong - let's talk about this guy first. Why? The one with the halo, in my opinion, should not be used due to that halo. For me, that would be a deal breaker (just my opinion). The mahogany male - although I have bred a mahogany male with several different females and did not get good results, others have stated they HAVE gotten well colored offspring. Also, the fact that you say you like him - heck, nothing wrong with that. There's a reason that you like him. But, the male pictued below also have better balance than the other you posted a pic of. What I would want to improve on here would be to lengthen that back. It appears (based on this pic) that he does have the proper slope in his back, and though his tail is a bit steep, he appears to be on alert, and I "suspect" (correct me if I'm wrong) that the tail angle comes down a bit when he's relaxed. His comb is....ginormous....and not attractive (no offense), but combs are not deal breakers - again, MY opinion. This male's underline could be better, but I suspect this cockerel is young, yes? He likely has some filling out to do. His shank feathering is too light, as well. So, his shortcomings: short back, could have a high tail (hard to tell for sure), shank feathering too light. Pick females that will compliment him. While the female above is almost solid black, this male has enough color that he will produce female offspring with her that will have - some of them - proper hackle coloring. You'll likely get some that are solid black as well. Watch eye color - his is good, but his dark pullet offspring may have eyes that are too dark. If this was my cockerel, I'd work first on lengthening that back & adding more shank feathering.

Here's a nice example of a pullet with a very long back. This is not a Marans, she's a Columbian Rock, and is only about 23 weeks here, but this is a topline that you'd want to look for similarly in a female Marans to pair with your cockerel above:

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Maryhysong - let's talk about this guy first. Why? The one with the halo, in my opinion, should not be used due to that halo. For me, that would be a deal breaker (just my opinion). The mahogany male - although I have bred a mahogany male with several different females and did not get good results, others have stated they HAVE gotten well colored offspring. Also, the fact that you say you like him - heck, nothing wrong with that. There's a reason that you like him. But, the male pictued below also have better balance than the other you posted a pic of. What I would want to improve on here would be to lengthen that back. It appears (based on this pic) that he does have the proper slope in his back, and though his tail is a bit steep, he appears to be on alert, and I "suspect" (correct me if I'm wrong) that the tail angle comes down a bit when he's relaxed. His comb is....ginormous....and not attractive (no offense), but combs are not deal breakers - again, MY opinion. This male's underline could be better, but I suspect this cockerel is young, yes? He likely has some filling out to do. His shank feathering is too light, as well. So, his shortcomings: short back, could have a high tail (hard to tell for sure), shank feathering too light. Pick females that will compliment him. While the female above is almost solid black, this male has enough color that he will produce female offspring with her that will have - some of them - proper hackle coloring. You'll likely get some that are solid black as well. Watch eye color - his is good, but his dark pullet offspring may have eyes that are too dark. If this was my cockerel, I'd work first on lengthening that back & adding more shank feathering.

Here's a nice example of a pullet with a very long back. This is not a Marans, she's a Columbian Rock, and is only about 23 weeks here, but this is a topline that you'd want to look for similarly in a female Marans to pair with your cockerel above:

mmmm I guess I am seeing something different when I look at this guy. To me his back has too much slope (even when not on alert he stands up real tall). I am under the impression from the outline drawings that have been posted that the back should be more level, with only a slight slope to the tail. To my eye I like the shorter more compact birds with a more level back. I guess what I am wondering if that is the wrong picture to have in my head?

Here are both of them from back in July (#49 was hatched Nov 2012 & TX in Dec) I know the sun/shade is hitting them in a funky way here but it gives you an idea of relative height. I will try and get some current pics and weights tomorrow. I looked for a pic of the too dark one and couldn't find one so will try for one of him too.

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