Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Sure Pink!
I'll post them!

Picture day coming up!
If (and it's a big IF) it ever stops raining around here!!
Going to need an Ark soon!

We NEED to cut hay...down to the very end of the mow....
Hiya Pink!

For sure!
I feel better already!
I love to see my pens coming together!

Pens coming together is a good thing. I am still getting my pens together, they are ever changing.
Hey BTW...remember when we were discussing Donna's (soon to be Becky's, HI BECKY!!! ) little yellow chick with the spots and stripe and you said you had a bird like that pop up from a RIR x BCM and how it looked like Donna's? Were you referring to the cross to the BCM as marking it like that? Sorry....I sometimes need to be lead by the hand, LOL.
I'll work on pics this week (or weekend...depending on weather!)

I need to show you guys not only that blue band boy, but those 3 young boys, as well as, the free ranger boy, too!

4 pullets, and the blue laced red x marans, girl, too!

Yes, Vicki!
I can FINALLY see!
I'm finding more and more what body type I like and am enjoying seeing the groups look more homogeneous!!

that darned enamel white popping up on my 2 favorite girls really stinks....does anyone know how the gene for that works??
I LOVE their body types, but I put them in with the layers...

What about the crowing hen??
She's one of those huge bodied, dark blue girls - I have 2 of them in the breeding sets, both going to the blue band boy with the smaller comb.

Should she go to the layers??
I am going to be doing some big moving in the next few days and I need some opinions please... y'all don't have any of those do you?

Ok the Marans, I have a light blue roo that I am pretty sure is throwing me pullets with COLOR
My question is this.... I have 3 other pullet I could put with him, but they lay lighter color eggs, not awful but not great either. I have had them with my black roos cuz his sisters lay nice dark eggs. But I think they are throwing mossy chicks. Should I get some color in those 3 pullets and then work on egg color in the next gen? To me, most of the first impression is the egg color. So if I just have one Marans pen for a few months through fall, should it be for egg color or pullet color? I think the type thing is coming along ok and I have and will cull for leg feathering and other DQ as they pop up. Of course he might improve the egg color too
he probably came from a nice egg.... NONE of my laying pullets really have any color in their hackles. My original black girls have a tiny bit, but you sure have to look for it.... like that pic Pink put up. I will not do any hatching from these till the fall, but i really want to get them moved. If I put all 6 pullets with the light blue roo I will have to put the other 2 in pens alone for the fall. (pens are getting tight) (all three of my Marans roos are about the same in size and type.)

Ok next question.... if you have 3 roos to pick from all equal in type and stuff... do you always go for size?
Pink - on the yellow with black spots chick -

I crossed Red Star with my BCM roo for darker egg laying, better egg layers
and all the white offspring (no longer sex linked) were yellow with black spots chicks!
The black offspring were black chicks (not tuxedo)

I figured it was the Red Star donating the coloring, since the F1 males are yellow chicks (white roos)!

Am I making sense??
Becky does not have anything really but Marans.... so that was not a cross. She had some Brahmas so that crossed my mind, but they were Dark Brahmas and would not have looked like that I don't think.... I know she is hoping WHITE Marans..... but I am betting more on a Wheaten.....

I know it is not a Peacock..... or bantam..... hum.... what else has she got over there...... Dogs... guineas ......
we will just have to hold her feet to the fire to get pics of this chick as it grows

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