Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Grow them!!
It's worth seeing how they turn out!!

*done enabling!*
more than likely they will get a two or three week reprieve until I go to the next sale. That should give me some time to get a good idea of what I might have to work with. Who knows what I'll end up doing. Sometimes I think I must be crazy
I was teasing, I hope you know that? How is your Dad doing?
haha yeah I know....Its not hard to be tempted by potential in birds....yarg!

My dad is ok, still have more complications cropping up here and there, but we're all surviving and taking everything a day at a time. We literally don't know what might happen the next day.
Quote: Don't make me want to go on a road trip!!!!! Dang.... that is what I need cuckoos with leg feathering and dark eggs (you don't really know about the eggs) PM me their info, I know they sell eggs too.....
have to wait till fall.
Hi, I am new to chickens and decided to start with some Marans. I have absolutely fallen in love with this breed. If I have any questions I know just where to come. Here are some pictures. I got them at 1-2 weeks...they grow up so fast.


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