Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Didn't do a head count last night when I locked the birds up and I should have..............:he, went out this morning to let everyone out and one of my Birchen pullets is missing. No sign of entry, exit or anything amiss.......just gone. All the other birds are fine and accounted for.....took a very chilly walk around the pasture and perimeter of the fence line and could see nothing by way of remains or feathers. DANG! DANG! DANG!

Oh man. Sorry. I hope she turns up.
Wynette~ We adopted an abused horse when I was a teenager and at the time she came to live at our farm she was 26 years old. Vet guesstimated she was a little over 40 when she passed. She had grown her second set of molars and wore them to nubs............she was a doll and we kids had a blast with her. Still to this day I can't understand why the folks that the Humane society rescued her from beat her in the head with a bat. She was extremely head shy for a couple of years after she came to live with us, but with some work and patience she came around. I cried when my dad told my mom that it was time, she truly was a part of our family.
Marans are the most handsome roosters of all! (In my humble opinion, of course.) :weee We rescued George Clooney as a companion for our three hens and it was a great decision! He likes the snow a bit too much for his own good, but is truly a joy to have!
Welcome to the Marans thread! He looks to be a nice big boy! BTW and a little off topic.....but I LOVE Central Oregon.....lived there for 8 years and have a sister that lives there. What a great little piece of heaven that Central Oregon!
Didn't do a head count last night when I locked the birds up and I should have..............
, went out this morning to let everyone out and one of my Birchen pullets is missing. No sign of entry, exit or anything amiss.......just gone. All the other birds are fine and accounted for.....took a very chilly walk around the pasture and perimeter of the fence line and could see nothing by way of remains or feathers. DANG! DANG! DANG!

SO sorry!
Thank you NJ!
I doubt she will return. We were gone working all day yesterday and our oldest son left a few hours after we did and is just telling me that at about 130pm, before he left for town he heard quite a commotion coming from the geese. He said when he looked out he thought he saw a hawk again by the coop area. I have been having hawk visits on a regular basis, so I am going to assume that she was taken by the hawk. :(
What a cheery attitude you have - it's wonderful!
Thank you, Wynette!
This thread and all of BYC is great! For months now every time I searched for information about all things fowl-it led to BYC!
I'll be in the coops section today. Naturally, I'm thinking about expanding the flock.
My first Black Copper Marans chicks hatched out yesterday. I've got 9 keeper chicks from 2 different pullets, 5 from one and 4 from another. Two chicks from one of the pullets had completely clean legs so I culled those. Already learning the value of knowing which eggs came from which, otherwise I wouldn't know those 2 came from the same pullet. It is confusing to me how the genetics work. Last year, 100% of my chicks had feathered legs. So how do clean legs pop out? The good thing is, I'm not seeing as many feathers in the middle toe area, so maybe I'm hitting a good middle ground. There are 4 more eggs in the hatcher which have not pipped. Some of you say they can hatch late. I guess I'll give them another day. They were all due officially on 1/14. A couple pipped on that day but most came out on 1/15.

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