Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Marans are the most handsome roosters of all! (In my humble opinion, of course.)


We rescued George Clooney as a companion for our three hens and it was a great decision! He likes the snow a bit too much for his own good, but is truly a joy to have!
Ditto that.  I have a very old horse - he'll be 26 this spring.  He has arthritis pretty bad, and I feel so badly for him when his feet get stuck in the mud - it HAS to hurt when he has to pull to get it unstuck.  :(

We should get him together with my sons mare who is 27 this year. Old horse are the best!
Where's all the EAST COASTERS???????

The Westerner's come out to play and no one is here.

East coaster here.... battling the flu I believe, as well as my little one who is almost 2 years old. No fun at all..... on a better note, lots of the ladies are laying eggs these days. We introduce people to our marans eggs and they just can't believe it. One guy said last night " I'm not eating the greens ones, those will make me sick"
As he was referring to my easter eggers lol

26 years old.......WOW! Talk about testament to good care and longevity for animals. You go girl!
Thanks, Pink! That's sweet of you to say. Blue is awesome...that "once in a lifetime" horse. I was the only one that could get him to canter...he had everyone else's number. I can't ride him any longer due to his arthritis, but he'll live out his life on my farm, and will be around until he tells us he's just in too much pain to go on. My hope is for that not to happen for many more years!
Quote: X2!!
My old mare is 33 this spring. She's got a lot of issues, but she can still out maneuver me and take off to the far end of the pasture if she thinks I'm going to do something terrible to her (like giving her a dose of pain meds....)

Wouldn't it be great to have a place for old horses to go to hang out together? It'd be like an old folks' home but for horses! HA! Love it!
That was the intention when we bought 25 acres of rolling pine forest. To clear it and open a retirement home for horses.
That didn't work out but it will be home to my old girl until she no longer seems happy to totter around and eat and nap.
Didn't do a head count last night when I locked the birds up and I should have..............:he, went out this morning to let everyone out and one of my Birchen pullets is missing. No sign of entry, exit or anything amiss.......just gone. All the other birds are fine and accounted for.....took a very chilly walk around the pasture and perimeter of the fence line and could see nothing by way of remains or feathers. DANG! DANG! DANG!

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