Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

The Blue Copper are definitely pretty (and seem to be winning lots of egg shows - CONGRATS, Sue!). My preference is to the solid Blue. I'm not sure why. They look, somehow, regal to me.

I love the solid blues too- very pretty. I do like the blue coppers when the contrast color is darker, more red then gold. My blue copper roo is still on the gold side of color- but he certainly is an eye catcher. I would love a to follow along with this topic- thanks Don!
I just thought that since we very seldom see anything about the Blue Copper Marans posted that maybe we could get a discussion going on them. I think the Blue Copper Marans would be one of the easiest varietys to work with. Anyone have any points of interest they would like to share with folks just getting started with Blue Copper. Maybe even some pictures showing the good and the Bad,
Great idea Don. I'd be open to the solid blues as well because that's what I grew up with in other breeds, but have yet to actually get stock to work with. I have those three hens that I will be test mating for solid, I'm 95% sure they are because of what they produce, just don't have a male, but am working on it.
It is rare to get solid (no copper) but I believe I have finally gotten some splash with no copper. Nothing hatched from them last year showed any, so I am holding my breath for this years hatches. I have tried for 3 years to get solid stock to work with and up until now it has been a big disappointment. I think a lot of people "think' they have solid birds just because they don't see the copper only to have it pop up. Is there a better way for me to test for the copper than just raising the off spring I am producing?
another request for opinions... there are some golden cuckoo pictures on ebay right now that caught my eye... I can't add any new birds right now so I am not going to bid on the eggs but I was admiring these particular birds and thinking if I were looking to add more right now I would grab these... anybody want to give a quick critique and let me know what they like and don't like about these? again, I am just trying to develop an eye... not make fun of anybody's birds... I think they are gorgeous... looks like the girls do not have much feathering on the feet... mine don't either.

s but don't know how true to type they are.
These birds don't have the beefy type I like in a Marans but that is common with this color variety.
There is no standard here in the US for golden cuckoos yet so you are going to see a wide range of stuff available. This is really the look for the golden cuckoos you probably want to shoot for (scroll down a ways on the page)

Many of the golden cuckoos that I have seen here are from the Braden line. My original golden cuckoos are too. They tend to be lighter than the ones that are on the Marans Club of Australia website. However, the Braden males I have seen are not as light as those listed in that ebay seller's ad. They don't really have the same look. The golden cuckoos here in the U.S. are still pretty much a work in progress for the most part.

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