Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Thanks to those who responded! **Propane tank I usually clean with bleach water every other year...must have missed this past year!**
I'll work to get a better close up of just the eyes in question..and non moving's a nasty day today w/rain/sleet/snow!! That day it was Sooo sunny most of my pics just had too much sun in them to see color good.

Thanks for the sweet compliment OHBigmamma! I just am absolutely loving all of them!

Funny story though...the other day I happened to just nonchilantly mention in passing to DH that I was going to be making a roadtrip this weekend to pick up a FEW more chickens and his response was... "It's like crack! You're going to have to stop!" Then we just started laughing.. He's so funny! Tolerates me really well! lol I've tried explaining I just have a few other breeds I want and then I will stop..I promise! He replies.."Yeah, right!" Started out with 6..lost 3 of those over the past couple of years and since Nov I've bought Ooo I don't know...50 more! HA! I know...crazy right! Just got a few more left to get!! ;0) He's my builder so I'm pretty sure that's why he freaks out when I keep adding to his work!
I'm pleased as punch with a good friend's eggs - he's given me permission to post a pic - are these gorgeous or what?!? (Black Copper variety)

WELL DONE, George!

Ellymay - I know what you mean. If you saw my pititful little hatchery layer flock several years ago and compared to now....
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[SIZE=12pt]I'm pleased as punch with a good friend's eggs - he's given me permission to post a pic - are these gorgeous or what?!? (Black Copper variety)[/SIZE] WELL DONE, George! :thumbsup Ellymay - I know what you mean. If you saw my pititful little hatchery layer flock several years ago and compared to now.... :eek:
Very nice. I get some that dark! Is that the best ?
Those are beautiful! From what I've read the BCMs should be laying around 22 wks?? I've still got a ways to go on those. Eggs hatched from were really good color. Bought from a woman claiming hers were from the Cottage Hill Lineage. Hers were very nice big birds.

I have high hopes for what I would like to accomplish! I love a challenge though! Besides the BCMs I've added Silkies for broodiness; Frizzled Cochins & expecting more BCMs and NN!!
I'm pleased as punch with a good friend's eggs - he's given me permission to post a pic - are these gorgeous or what?!? (Black Copper variety)

WELL DONE, George!

Ellymay - I know what you mean. If you saw my pititful little hatchery layer flock several years ago and compared to now....
Oh, gosh. I'm blushing.

Thank you for the warm compliments. I really owe my good fortune to Wynette. She's been a great friend and AWESOME coach going on 3 years now.

I'm a bit of a lurker, learner and somewhat shy. I'm thrilled that all the hard work is beginning to show. This should be a good year for my modest flock. I really love these birds. Black Coppers are the only breed I'm concentrating my efforts on, striving for SOP.
George, it's not often that you meet someone as kind and thirsty for knowledge as you, and so willing to do the tough work as far as culling to move the ones on that shouldn't be used. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and working with you! Rock on!
Just a quick question, do you have any older hens on your place? It doesn't matter what breed really. If you do, put him with them and he'll learn his manners really quickly. Anytime I have a male that's getting aggressive with females enough to be doing damage, they go in with the ladies and they set them right.

He is in a group of young ladies.... some older then him (and larger) but as for older hens- I could find a couple to put him with. He could use a good lesson lol
Funny story though...the other day I happened to just nonchilantly mention in passing to DH that I was going to be making a roadtrip this weekend to pick up a FEW more chickens and his response was... "It's like crack! You're going to have to stop!" Then we just started laughing.. He's so funny! Tolerates me really well! lol I've tried explaining I just have a few other breeds I want and then I will stop..I promise! He replies.."Yeah, right!" Started out with 6..lost 3 of those over the past couple of years and since Nov I've bought Ooo I don't know...50 more! HA! I know...crazy right! Just got a few more left to get!! ;0) He's my builder so I'm pretty sure that's why he freaks out when I keep adding to his work!
I stared with 4.....I now have 150 or so Marans and a few orientals.

They are either addicting or they multiply I haven't figured out which.


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